Yet again, people are digging their own grave!

On all the Earth, the biggest misconception I've come to notice is the mere belief that EVERYONE loves themselves.

Arghh! If you are one of those that believes this, I'm not here to make a case with it. Nonetheless, it shows that you just haven't been paying close attention to what is going on around you. No kidding! That is far from the fact.

Seriously, take a closer look around you.

You'd be surprised to know that more people than you can imagine are digging their graves. Some are doing it because they feel that they have no other choice. But alas, isn't there always a choice?

You bet!

For example, when you are told that spamming is bad, and you go ahead to copy five different paragraphs from five different articles (without citing your sources), you may think that you are cheating people, but that's your way of cheating yourself. You are digging your grave.

Of course, you can deny all you want. When the time is right, I hope you will still have the balls to face the repercussion.

Let's talk about another set of people that are currently digging their graves.

And so it begins!

Ever heard of those that underate the importance of being health conscious?

I have a lot of people around me who fall into this category and I can assure you that they are completely negligent of their health. For example, I have a cousin who is told to reduce her intake of sugar to the bare minimum, but somehow, she is the one that takes the highest level of sugar in the family. It is a daring act, but I can't laud her bravery negligence.

I won't even dare to talk about how the majority of us now take Covid19 as a joke despite the wreckage it has caused over the last few months. And it's still threatening lives across various continents.

Health is important and should not be taken for granted, but many people never learn. Perhaps, they are waiting to be on a sickbed before they would realise the Importance of being more health-conscious.

To wrap this up, I have to say that everyone needs to be mindful of their action and inaction. If you claim that you love yourself, it's only wise for you to desist from doing anything that will harm you.

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