The pain of losing someone !

We are often been taught that life is one of the precious thing that we have and that we should never waste it and we should value it as much as possible. There is a reality of this life and that is we don't value anything unless and until we lose it or it goes away from us.

Even if we we value a precious thing , we learn the real importance of that after we lose it. We wake up and spend our day and sleep and this cycle goes on and on , we fight , we shout , we hurt our loved ones , we hurt our parents , and , we often justify our acts in the name of tension of life.

This life will one day tell you on your face that you was wrong , that you should have not done this to so and so person. That one day will be the day you will see those people leaving this planet.



Your parents are the one who understand all your needs from the very beginning , the time when you was not even capable of speaking a word. Your mother knew when you was hungry and your father knew which toy will make you happy.

It is really sad that when our time comes most of us do not understand our parents and on top of that we hurt them in many ways. The only thing i will say is that value them , they are the gems of your precious life. The pain of losing someone is very heart breaking and the pain of losing your parents is even worst.

make them happy before they take the last breath of their life.

Thank You

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