Are We Heading for Unprecedented Territory with Vaccine related AIDS?


In a recent investigation of government medical documents produced by the UK government, it has been reported that the Fully Vaccinated will develop Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome by the end of the year "AIDS".

The investigation report produced by goes on to state that in the group of those vaccinated between the ages of 40-79, that these people have now lost 50% of their immune system's capabilities and are continuing to lose a further 5% each week.

Weekly Immune Capability Decline of Double Vaccinated as Per Age Group Verses Unvaccinated

Table :1

They go on to state that their reporting of the Vaccine effectiveness is measured using Pfizer’s vaccine effectiveness formula.

In the Table: 1 above a Vaccine effectiveness of +50 for the those vaccinated means double vaccinated people are 50% more protected from the delta variant, while a Vaccine effectiveness of -50% for unvaccinated people means the unvaccinated are 50% more protected than those who have been double vaccinated.

Weekly Immune Capability Percentage of Benefits as Per Age Group Verses Unvaccinated

Table: 2

While a Vaccine effectiveness of 0% would mean that doubly vaccinated people have literally no benefits of protection from the vaccine verses unvaccinated people. As shown in the Table: 2 above.

Evidence provided by Cole Diagnostics in Idaho and Dr Nathan Thompson and Dr Ralph Baric, suggest that everybody over the age of 30 that has been double vaccinated will have lost 100% of their entire immune capability against Covid and very possibly other viruses and some cancers within 13 weeks.


The reported includes direct links to government websites and other data sources where this data can be found and cross examined for further clarification, which I suggest you do for your own peace of mind.

You will also find a complete breakdown for each age group of both vaccinated and unvaccinated at the following website HERE along with further detailed tables and charts that you may find helpful.

I could not do this report justice, this is something you would need to read in person to fully understand the complexities of the data and sources that are provided within it.

Final Notes

If true this could be devastating for the worlds population of vaccinated that believed the government propaganda and simply following their instructions, one thing I know for sure is that something smells wrong with this push to inoculate the worlds population through mandates while the rich and powerful have made themselves exempt.

I have no medical background or degree in medicine, I simply see that something is not right and share relevant information that I feel would aid humanity in making a more informed decision, which is something the worlds governments have clearly failed to do.

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