My Introduction to POB Tribe


Originally I didn't want to post because it almost was as if I was selling myself, but then I realized if my goal was to brand and I want to do it in a very impactful and meaningful way I need to challenge myself otherwise unless someone tells me not to or maybe I should rethink things. Many assume that by my actions and investments I am rather well off and sure although I am considered well off compared to other places around the world, but I would say I came from very humble and empty beginnings. The grind was far from easy, but I don't want to reveal that part of the story or journey until after I've succeeded because I don't want pity, but just understanding.

This is the post I'd say that best describes me to my core and quite honestly it made me a bit sad/disappointed that it was the one that got one of the least votes/engagements so that discouraged me about hive at the start.

I first discovered this tribe from an article on vybranium if you want to learn more about them you can check it out here @vyb.vyb/new-tribe-and-token-verify-your-brain-oror-vybrainium-vyb Recently having a really negative downvote experience where a whale Neoxian that I spoke out against literally neutralized countless hours of hard work and effort in building up "rep" or resources on this platform, lead my curiosity down this particular deep dive. Although I for one actually believe in downvotes, it just needs to be restructured in a far heathier manner. You can read about the encounter between this individual and I in the post below detailing the events that played out. Which I find a bit humorous that on a platform where its supposed to be decentralized and prevent censorship, I was censored from that front end. Granted it is their front end to do as they wish, but that was my only post about their front end and since then have been censored from being able to post there.

Anyways I don't want to spend too much time on a negative matter and I'll say why this tribe interested me the most because of some of the post I discovered on the front end really stimulated me. When I first discovered it, I was a bit alarmed because I read a comment from a high rep individual saying on POB front end it took 10% of pob and 20% of all other tokens, but all of this is still very greek to me and I'm trying to absorb all of this information in just a little over a month(Maybe there is some information out there someone can link me to so we all can know what those funds are going towards?).One big thing that made me revisit this tribe was =seeing the vyb project pay tribute to proof of brain. I believe in teamwork makes the dream work.

I also noticed a lot of projects are building around the proof of brain ecosystem so my question is what should I look into? I don't have too big of a budget for all of this maybe want to invest 100-200 maybe more depending on the vibes I feel from the communities (Miners are something that interest me if you guys know miners for some good projects). Regardless I currently have 211.26420427 POB staked and none of that will be unstaked for a minimum of 1 year (12/5/2021 start) and the same goes for the remaining hive I have in my account.
So I believe the math on it is 468.171+46-200= 314.171 so by the end of this year I will power up at least 50.829 more hive to give me a 365 hive start (I actually decided to end the year regardless at 365 pob as well). You guys have my promise here that I will NEVER power down and at least give hive/pob a full year test before making my decision on the platform. These weren't earned hive/pob, but my hard earned money put into these project not to mention countless hours on the platform all within a little over a month already. I want to take some time, but I also want to make a commitment to add monthly to my stake in all of these projects I am putting my time and energy into (I believe people should put there money where their mouth is and not just profits). I'll figure out a good sustainable monthly amount to add to hp/staked pob in which none will be touched for a MINIMUM of a year. (They say if you want support from a community you have to support a community so we will put that to the test here)
If it were not for @Splinterlands I would not have taken this deep dive into hive so I will also make it a mission statement towards this project as well these 2500 sps I have staked and all apr that stems from this staked amount will all be reput back in and won't be touched. (This was quite a loss to me as I bought a large majority of my sps at 0.45 each yay leave it to me to invest in as everything is falling. This one I may not add to holding as I'm already deeply vested already)

Branding was what started my journey, but growth/community and inclusion is why I am going to stay and try to build something. If after a year I decide hive isn't for me, I will still incorporate it to my team and their business plans in the future as I plan on moving to the Philippines to start a gaming/marketing company.

Oh as I was writing the last paragraph I forgot one more mention which is @Utopis by
@chronocrypto where I read that he was going to be dedicating a portion of his rideshare earnings to this project as well as his already mining rig. It is motivating to see someone a part of or trying to integrate so many projects and this is sort of the model I want moving forward. I currently hold 30 utopis and will end the year at 50 same concept with the never unstaking anything from any of these projects at least for 1 year. I will either ride with them to the moon or fall alongside innovation/creativity/heart.
@taskmaster4450 you also help evolved this from an ordinary introduction post to a post about commitment. Although I'm only a little over a month into this ecosystem and ended up getting 1st place in HivePUD and turned it down because at the time I was considering quitting hive, before I really gave it a try and didn't want to take resources away from someone that could really use the help. Somehow I even won 1st place for @hivebuzz's meetup during hivefest but not sure what that really meant or if anything at all just saw another person tag me in it and completely forgot about the contest after reading it. For me it was more about talking to as many people and absorbing as much as I can about this vast ecosystem. To be fair 3speak is probably going to take up a good bit of my time on this network as I prefer audio form much more than reading and writing as it is better use of my time/efficiency imo. As well as probably @leofinance but for me I rather work on personal development and growth before leaning towards my strengths in the future to come.

If you read all of this up to here I sincerely thank you for the time and effort you spent in getting to know me.
*****Also if anyone is interested in 100 VIP tokens that I originally bought for 120hive worth let me know I'm down for getting rid of it at a deal/loss as I want my votes to come from people or groups that actually believe in me and the content I am creating vs "buying votes" there is just no effective way to liquidate all 100 without rendering them useless(I was using it as marketing investment at first, but as I learned more about hive and disagree with the individuals approaches I wish to separate myself from the project*****

Well anyways I don't want to draw out this post anymore and look forward to hearing all your comments about which tribes/projects/miners I should look into and possibly add towards this list.

"I'll be giving 50 POB out probably between 3-5 people I feel who engage this post in a meaningful way or added value to this thread by letting me know the groups/projects as I'd like to learn more about these various communities" (Will be posting their names here and send it out within 3 days from 12/8/2021)
#InfinityMission #thoughtfuldailypost

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