POBphotocontest New Round: TRAVEL

First of all I wish @friendlymoose a nice holiday in Italy! And of course everyone else too. After a time with all the lockdowns and restrictions we can travel again.
If you want to share your pictures of travelling, you can find the rules here. Join us and show your pictures!

Here's my entry. I took a while to decide. Should I post some pictures from the actual travel or a destination? But I guess all the planes look similar, the tarmac on most airports is similar, so I went for a destination picture.

The first picture is my entry. I made a little planet a couple of years ago and I thought this might be a good one. If you want to create your own, there are a lot of good tutorials online. Just search for "little planet photography".

I like the result and to me it covers exactly the travel experience. The round effect gives me an impression of going around the globe. As my main destination was the Philippines for the last years, it was indeed travelling to the other side of the world. I had to travel 11.000 km and it took me 2 days to arrive at my second home there.

I lived in a town in the province of Cebu. It's well known for diving tourism, but I lived outside the town, away from all the tourists. My house was on the beachfront and I had a stunning view.

If you wake up with such a sunrise it's hard not to be happy!

Little town not far from my place.

Everywhere you go, you see smiling kids playing outside.

If I go to Secret Beach, I always stop here to enjoy the view.

Secret beach - Most tourists don't know this place.

I call it Secret Beach as not many people know this place. Only locals are coming here during the weekend. If you go there on a weekday, you have the beach for yourself!

So, now you have a little impression of the Philippines. Now I go to have a cool drink with my hubby. Enjoy your holiday!

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