Winter Sea - POBphotocontest Round #100: FREE

Hi Hivers!

This is my first participation on the #POBPhotocontest by @friendlymoose and the theme of this week is free, just not archive photo but a recent one. And my photos are from yesterday.

The thing is that I am joining this photography contest thanks to my friend @coolmidwestguy who asked which might be my theme... I was thinking about a similar theme (here his post), something related to a sunrise, because I have already posted several times posts with many photos about the sea sunrise moments I enjoy when I go out in the early morning.

BUT I have to say that these last days are beautiful also when the sun is up, because the sky is bright and blue intense and yesterday I had the chance to go out for a walk during the lunch time close to the sea, so I thought that I could share better those inspiring instants, and share with all of you a bit of this wonderful sea.

The Mediterranean Sea is always beautiful, in summertime but also now, specially during days like yesterday, today and I think tomorrow too... when the blue of the sea competes with the blue of the sky, and all looks amazing.

I have taken the photos with my mobile phone, I am not a photographer but I enjoy taking photos and watching deeply the beauty of the nature. It has been a very relaxing moment, just the sound of the sea, the blue view, the fresh air and the bright sunlight.

The first one is that will be for the contest, simply the sea, nothing more, nothing else needed, and I have also added others because I took many, during the walk, maybe some for other post, who knows...

So here my winter sea photos, I hope you like them! This:

And some more:

Mediterranean Sea 💙

Thanks for reading! Have a nice and inspiring day.

The text is totally mine and the photos too, by ©Duvinca

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