Have you given up on your New Year's Resolutions?
AWESOME! Then you are in the perfect position to start fresh with us!
You can check
HERE - part 1 (don't be scared by the title lol) or
HERE - part 2
for ALL the details! But if you are one of those people that just loves to jump in, and figure it out as you go along hahaha Here you go!
You'll be using THIS to track your daily tasks - Monday through Friday. (Just mark and submit on Friday's challenge post!) Don't worry if you didn't get everyday! JUST SHOW UP and tell us how you did!!!
- Nope. You ONLY have to submit the WEEKLY CHALLENGE post ON FRIDAY.
If you are already doing your normal blog, why not submit YOUR BLOGS to DreemPort anyway! When you submit them to DreemPort, Monday - Thursday - you'll get bonus points for the DreemPort Challenge! 😊
I don't know about you, but doing these little things help me to feel more in control of my day. I'm so tired of feeling OUT of control with all the things that are outside of us trying to push us one way or another.
You might not realize it - but reclaiming those moments of the day for things that YOU appoint - REALLY HELPS you to be a lot more grounded and a lot more focused on the REST of your day.
Plus - it's just FUN doing this with a group of people. Little things like cheering each other on for drinking all your water... or making sure you've taken the time to make progress on goals - even just 15 minutes a day - MAKES US FEEL connected and empowered and united!
So... IF YOU ARE IN...
How about a nice cool 50 extra Dreem tokens to start out the week! Simply update THIS FILE HERE with YOUR name ( DO NOT erase the text box - just click in the text box, update the file with YOUR name and download the file for you to use. Leave the text box with your name for the NEXT person to update, please. DO NOT ERASE the text box. lol )
Here is my commitment for the DreemPort Challenge.
hehehe THERE IS NO NEED for you to write an entire post to start!!!!
Simply click on THIS FILE HERE - update it to your name - and add YOUR commitment certificate TO THE COMMENT SECTION BELOW!!! (just leave your name on the file for the next person to edit)
I'll check on Monday - everyone who has added their certificate here by 4pm PST Monday will get 50 Dreem tokens added on for their weekly payout! hehehe
Let's gooooooooooooo!!!
Monday begins our challenge. Get breathing, get drinking (WATER hahaha), get goaling! 😆
Looking forward to HEARING ALL ABOUT what YOU are all going to achieve in the month of March and April!!!!!!!!!!
What do you think? Sound easy enough?
All DreemPort images property of DreemPort and designed by the amazing @jimramones. Please do not use without permission from DreemPort.
For more info - feel free to grab a TESTER ROLE in the DREEMPORT DISCORD SERVER. Ask as much as you like!
Certificate created with Canva Pro