Is it me? Is it???

Let's play #AITA, and I apologize if there is a community for this - rest assured, I would love nothing more than to place it there. lol

Cuz I really need to know... Am I the asshole?

  • I had a job.
  • Then COVID came and relieved me of said job.

  • I applied for unemployment like most people in America. (You know, the benefit we pay into for years and years - so that when we need it - it's there for us. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA) OOF. sorry, I needed that laughter.

  • We all had to go through ALL the red tape in order to get this benefit, that we have paid into. Thank you dear government!!! Thank you for going through the necessary red tape to keep people OFF the benefits that they do NOT pay into. Thank you for appropriating those funds wisely!!!

  • My daughter and I took FOREVER to get approved. My son (who does not have his driver's license yet) got his WITHIN A WEEK. When I asked why? (Since I called to make sure they had ours..) I was told that the people who had LESS identification got it super fast... because...

wait for it. please... please... wait for it.

Because WE had more identification to approve.

ummmm. come again? So... the people who had LESS OR NO identification - got all those bennies. like.. um... people who are here illegally and do not pay taxes. Got it. um. Thank you ... less? government?

  • Our benefits eventually got applied. They helped immensely. Grateful. Every week we had to confirm that - yes - we still couldn't work because um... yes - covid was still here. They said ON THE CERTIFICATIONS "You do not need to look for work while you are collecting because of Covid." k. sure. cool.

It is now 18 months? more? since Covid made us all lose our jobs.
  • Today all the people get a notification in their emails saying... LOLOL We have to prove what we already proved (and more)- and we better do by the deadline or we have to pay back what they paid out to us. LOLOLOL.

Now here is my question. Actually - it's a 3 part question.

  1. What in the hell were they verifying before they released the money in the first place?

  2. Let's just say that I decide to ignore their email. (not going to. lol) They have enough of MY information to do damage. But, please tell me. PLEASE SOMEONE TELL ME - how are they going to "go after people who had no identification" to begin with.


Spoiler alert:

The answer is yes. Because it was after all, my choice to live in this friggin state. LOL

Vent complete. 😝 I shall simply send in the documentation, breathe, and understand that the thieves most likely did what thieves do -and now we are dealing with the consequences of their thievery. Life is good. God is great. Pass the gluten. LOLOLOLOL

(that last one was for you @samsmith1971 hehehee)

her teeth are so white. so - there's that.


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