It's a new week, new goals, new announcements - BE SURE TO READ, DREEMERS!

Before I forget - let me give you THREE HUGE TIPS for our DreemPort challenge

  1. Many of you forgot to name your best encourager on your Friday challenge! You will WANT to do that this week! don't forget hehe

  2. Some of you don't realize - DreemPort accepts OLD posts! This is one of the BEAUTIFUL things about DreemPort. That special content that has already debuted and been forgotten? It does NOT have to be forgotten with DreemPort. We are so very happy to give it BRAND new life. You have a BRAND new audience to showcase those special posts that you would love to share again. So.... what does that mean? You do NOT have to write FRESH everyday to submit your posts to DreemPort on your report cards. Feel free to submit something you've already written! Our readers will LOVE to see your special older posts!

  3. Some of you really struggled this week. A few posts just made me want to hug these dreemers and tell them to be gentle with themselves this week. Yes, we want you to reach! But know when it's important to rest. I LOVED this idea from @adoore-eu this week. She chose to make her personal goal to NAP for 20 minutes. This is brilliant! In a world where we push push push, we often forget to pause. If you have struggled to not hit those goals last week - FEEL FREE to turn that personal goal into self-care. I would love to know that you were using that goal to taking care of YOU!


Now please look!

We have a NEW report card - and....

we have a NEW goal!!!

dreemport report 6n7.png

Please note that for the last 2 weeks, we have upped our goals!

We added more minutes to our goals. We are finishing this challenge STRONGEST of all. But remember, you manage your own expectations and your own limitations! I trust you to do what is best for you. Remember this isn't about stars. This is about doing all you can, and doing it well. That will be different for everyone. Stars are great to collect, and I hope you do try to collect them! But if you can't? Shoot for your own personal best! We will all love to see what you bring this week!


You have partners this week! wooooooot!!!
You are still responsible to encourage lots of dreemers (as many as you can)!❤️ There were some dreemers that didn't get any encouragement last week - but then even in their own posts, some admitted that they hadn't done any encouraging either. Remember that it's a two-way street! If you aren't encouraging, people may not even know that YOU are IN the challenge. The BEST way to let others know? Encourage them and introduce yourself!

But FOR THIS NEW will AT LEAST check in with your partner each day! You can drop a comment on their post from the day - OR you can drop a comment on an older post. But just BE SURE to reach out to your partner and see how they're doing that day! Cheer them on! Share their burdens! Let's be a real tEEm!

I've assigned partners based on the people who posted/commented last week! If your name is missing - just PLEASE leave me a comment and ask to be partnered!! ❤️


@b0s & @princessbusayo
@iJohnsen & @jessicaossom
@samsmith1971 & @adoore-eu
@khaleesii & @deraaa
@tengolotodo & @hopestylist
@beeber & @brightdavid
@blackdaisyft & @ifarmgirl
@merit.ahama & @coquicoin


Hands down - this name came up over and over and over! She did a FABULOUS JOB of reaching out to everyone and encouraging! She is none other than...


I loved seeing how much everyone enjoyed your sweet spirit this week! You and @tengolotodo are the TOP encouragers. We just need one more! And I'll be sure to tell you all WHAT that means for them this week! So be on the lookout! hehehe


Good luck to you all! LOVE YOU DREEMERS!!!

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