#POBDAILY (#028): Prevention is better than Cure

Hello and welcome back to my page. I am @daniky and this is the day 28 of my entry to the #pobdaily challenge, an initiative of @dwayne16 and @marvinix. Kindly follow me as i briefly take you through my experience for the day.





Photos taken with Umidigi A5-Pro

I have always thought that irrespective of how the weather can be so bad and heavier the rainfall, i can never be affected. The way i felt today really show that both the rainfall and weather have a huge impact on our health status. No one can proof to be a Vandam under this kind of situation because sooner or later, you may realize the effect.

For over a year I've never felt so feverish this way today. Life and Science has taught me a huge lesson to learn from. I couldn't withstand the extent of cold i felt today, as it was as if it was gradually gathering the momentum to display itself on a fateful day that came so soon. I was drenched by the heavy rainfall of yesterday while on my way going about my day's activity and never knew the repercussion will be great as it is.


Be health conscious as you know that health is wealth. Never take laws to your hands and make sure you desist from any lifestyle that may predispose you to sickness.

Try every means to avoid being drenched by the rain. Hold your umbrella wherever you go. Never see it as a load because you never can tell when the rain will start.

I'm using this medium to celebrate all fathers here on the blockchain and also appreciate @dwayne16 and @marvinix for hosting this wonderful initiative. I also wish to invite interested #hiveans to be part of this daily challenge.

Thank you for your time, I Hope you've learnt something today from this writing. Please help by upvoting and reblogging this post and stay safe.


Thank you and Do have a great day


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