"Jeorgíon Petros gives a monologue" — (original fiction and digital art)

Jeorgíon Petros gives a monologue

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| — writing and images by @d-pend — |
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Jeorgíon Petros gives a monologue
in front of his exhibit in the Attikaälus Museum of Dream Arts


...Ah, yes! Houses in snowglobes. Err, snowglobe-houses? Well — orbular dwellings, anyway. Some of my absolute favorite mynd-constructions. Am I an architect, you ask? Certainly not in the physical sense! What a lowly occupation. I would never muddy and damage my hands with such drudgery. I am a mynd architect.

See, I daydream about structures — not just any daydream, mynd you, but an intensely focused kind of imagining that helps to nourish the psychic intelligence of all the physical builders in the world. It's kind of my job — and one that I'm extremely good at, if you don't mind me saying so. What's that? Yes, I am aware physical architects don't always perform the manual action of building. Still, they do the crude work of inscribing tangible blueprints! What menial work.

But yes, I dream of globe-bubble houses here in my chamber in sweet Attikaälus — and somewhere, Yod knows where exactly, perhaps o'er west in yodforsaken Vo'olo in the middle of the desert, some builder's hands start to twitch, their mynd starts to sparkle — and they puff out their chest, ready to mint the first draft of blueprints for the first-ever Vek-wide bubble-home cluster. Never mynd that there's already plenty of 'em out there, I'm told (sadly, haven't gotten to visit any of my iridescent offspring — though actually, maybe it's for the best. Could be highly depressing to see those crude builders' profaning of my gorgeous concepts!)

The main thing is — I do Vek a service by enriching the ideosphere of its architects. Yup, that massive cloud that rolls over the whole planet. Delicate nohonic magic, see? Not just anybody can do it.

Do I have to know anything about building houses? What sort of garbage question is that!? Look, I'm an artist. I create original work, not derivative drivel like some pubescent undergraduate mage. My daydreams innovate. If I was burdened by all the idiotic and unnecessary restrictions of Vek's architects' current abysmal knowledge of the physical universe, Yod — my imaginings would be anything but beautiful.

Do you think I'd have acquired such lofty artistic reputation if these myndprints you behold here (I appreciate you taking the time to view my work, by the way) were composed of common mud, sand, and bones? Certainly not! (You may purchase extremely high quality mynd-made reproductions of these images for a very reasonable price, by the way. Just ask and my assistant here will take care of you!)

Not in a buying mood today, eh? Ah well, I appreciate the conversation. I do hope that it has elucidated the role of a myndarchitect like me and distinguished it from the rough and rude work of a common builder! I have made that abundantly clear, you say? Wonderful! I am an acolyte of clarity, lucidity, and the like.

. . .

Note from scribe Duff Dalí — this myndrecording of Petros was acquired through an employee of the Attikaälus Museum of Dream Arts who witnessed the exchange between him and a young Attikaälan woman, who appeared quite disgusted throughout the exchange. (I am told her father and grandfather are both architects.) Jeorgíon showed no sign of noticing her obvious disdain. Whether he is genuinely psychopathic or simply has such overwhelming confidence in his own worldview that he is immune to any dissent, I do not know. I believe this excerpt from the end of their conversation captures the overall tenor of his character. The woman's responses have been retracted for privacy reasons, while Petros is a public figure, and as such, willingly accepts such scrutiny as a condition of his position. All the best in your continued research on modern mynd architects!

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Original writing and images
by Daniel Pendergraft
— created for HIVE —
published on Jan. 5, 2022.
Writing is fully original
and can be considered a first draft/blueprint
towards eventual completion of a piece
shared and preserved immutably on blockchain.

Images are generated with Wombo Dream,
scaled up, and further iterated using Deep Dream Generator,
then finished using Final Cut Pro for editing & combination.

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