Vybranium To the World 🌎

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Have you ever taken minutes or even hours thinking about the best way to start a post?
You have a lot of thoughts and non of them seems to fit in perfectly. You type in something and then erase it instantly, it just doesn't sound right to you.

I felt the same way writing this post, the words were not adding up and I was getting a bit frustrated. I was even going to give up writing anything this morning. But then I remembered that we are our own motivation. If we can't inspire ourselves, how then do we plan to inspire others.

So I got inspired one way or the other, maybe in another post I'll tell you how I get my inspiration. For now, let's talk about the hottest thing in town, the Vyb project. I'm sure a lot of you are aware of the buzz this project is making and a lot of others didn't hesitate to get for themselves some Vyb tokens. That's actually a pretty wise thing to do and I'm wondering why you haven't already done same.

I was planning to get myself some by exchanging liquid POB for some Vyb tokens. But then I didn't have enough to carry out the exchange so I waited in good faith. Knowing pretty well that I'll get my chance soon enough.

An airdrop was released recently by @vyb.vyb and I made the list, thankfully (part of the rewards of regularly staking your tokens).
It was really great to see that I was eligible to get more than 3k Vyb tokens!. I know that it wouldn't seem like a lot soon because of the rush to acquire this tokens but then it's a pretty great start.


I did some more readings and discovered that they're other ways you could be gifted more Vyb tokens, you can read more on that here. I'm glad to see that the stakeholders are doing a great job in ensuring that this project runs pretty smoothly. I have so much faith in them and the new opportunities it'll bring to a lot of us.

To contribute my own quota, I decided to join the #showyourvyb challenge and try out something playing with the vyb design. I had fun testing my creative side and putting it in play in this design. I was inspired greatly by @calumam's own design and though I'm nowhere near his genius, I tried my best, hehe.


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My Vybranium is likened after Marvel's Wakanda vibranium and according to them:

Vibranium is a fictional metal appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics, noted for its extraordinary abilities to absorb, store, and release large amounts of kinetic energy. Mined only in Wakanda, the metal is associated with Black Panther, who wears a suit of vibranium, and with Captain America, who bears a vibranium/steel alloy shield.


I was particularly moved by the fact that the Vibranium wasn't just any type of metal, it was actually the dream metal, being able to absorb, store and release energy(kinetic) is not small feat. Then I wondered and actually visualized the Vybranium adding as much value, if not more than the Vibranium metal itself.

It didn't actually take me too long to design this. I actually made use of PicsArt as I am really familiar with the app more than others and in less than 20minutes my design was ready and good to go.

What do y'all think about my Vybranium??

You too can design yours and make a post showing your Vybranium. I'll be looking forward to seeing your Vybranium ❤️😏.

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