Coming up for Air

I'd love to say it has been a quiet week!

It's been interesting, that's for sure. I didn't expect the platform to nosedive so far into chaos during my break from upvoting content, but I guess that's to be expected when the majority of the platform is centred around rewards and my voting click decided 24% of the platforms power.


image courtesy - Sebastian Pena Lambarri

I decided to take this week off from posting, commenting, and voting on the 10th of June. Although I was pretty self-centred about it, it was in the middle of the Outrageous WOTW, and emotions were high, to say the least. How irresponsible.

Here are my votes for the past seven days so you can see for yourselves (you can also head over to to view them if you think I've done a little photoshop magic).









After reading along to all the comments from people I thought could think for themselves, I'm pretty disheartened. It's a shame to see how fast people will absorb the narratives of those who have shown very little care for the POB community overall. Oh well.

I've made the decision to pause the curation trail, and now I'll be doing my own thing (still managing and running WOTW, but with more focus) and supporting those who I see potential in, rather than assuming the whole platform requires support.

Just the way the cookie crumbles.




With regards to the recent muting and unmuting of @azircon, I think it could have been handled better. However, this platform is still very much in its experimental phase, and I believe that @proofofbrainio decided to address malicious downvoting, which has been an issue on these platforms since the beginning. If anything, it has given the community more to think about. Time will tell how it plays out.

I wasn't shocked to see @azircon's downvote on last weeks Word of the Week post after being unmuted, but hey, if he wants to make a point of adjusting the rewards of that post and deciding what it is worth, then so be it. Thanks for that.


Maybe the work we put in to grade all the contestants content isn't really that valuable. Perhaps the experiment I tried to encourage people to think for themselves wasn't worth it either. Maybe the payouts used to help sponsor other projects and pay the contest judges were too high also.

Ahhhh, delegated proof of stake, you mystical complex being, just help us understand your magical ways.


The WOTW will run until next Sunday because we've got some new people helping out with the grading. I'm going to spend the time helping them so we're back to usual next week.

I've minted all of the previous WOTW graphics as NFT's on the NFTShowroom. The plan is to transfer the #1 edition to the winner of the relevant week and then sell the other 9 editions on the market (price undecided). It's a bit of a gimmick, but @amr008 gave me some ideas about how I can incorporate some kind of utility into them for the future. We'll see how it goes.


The NFT for the current week will be transferred to people who demonstrate true Proof Of Brain (in my opinion). I made 50 editions, so there are plenty to go around.


I hope you are all having a wonderful weekend (notice how I said all).

My apologies for the silence and the mystery; you know I like to experiment. I did make a few comments throughout the week, but they were not exactly filled with "community spirit". Now that I'm dissolving the responsibilities I've had, I'll be focusing more on interaction and learning, you know, the fun stuff that keeps us human.

Excellent job with the WOTW posts so far; by the way, kudos to those of you who deciphered the true message behind the post.

Enjoy the rest of your Sunday, emphasise on the Sun.

Don't forget to write your post for this week's POB Word of the Week!

There is ? POB (delegations) up for grabs.

We're due an update, anyone interested, ping me a message on discord.

Ongoing POB Discussion Thread #001

Ongoing POB Discussion Thread #002

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