Contest time? Oh Yeah! Over 100 Hive in Value in Prizes!!!

It's time for a contest.

In honor of a Founder Starter Kit hoarder, @killau, who just purchased 90 PsyberX Founder Starter Kits...

I'm holding a contest that will be both fun and VERY rewarding...

What's at stake?

1st Place: 25,000 LVL (at time of writing, that's nearly 75 Hive)
2nd Place: 12,500 LVL (you do the math)
3rd Place: 5,000 LVL

I haven't decided if I will have honorable mentions, but if you check out my last contests, you'll see I gave LVL to everyone who guarantees, but it may be worth your trouble...

I'm a whale

I suggest whoever wins the contest that you keep the prize rather than sell it...It's not financial advice...but remember there being a pizza sale some years ago?


I'm not telling you what to do or hinting at anything. Once I award it to you, it's yours. I invite the #inkwell and other fiction writing communities to does the winner need to do?


  1. You'll need to finish the story I start below. Feel free to cut and paste my start into your post so that your story makes sense.
  2. You'll need to incorporate no fewer than 4 of your Hive buddies into the storyline. This means you'll need to tag them within the story, like this: "Then @bobthebuilder2 came around the corner..." or something similar. If you do tag me, which I think is a good idea, I do not count as one of the 4, even though I'm your bestie!
  3. No plagiarism, so cite your image sources, and no NSFW. I have the filter turned on to block that content.
  4. Put the link to your entry in the comments below and tag your post with #psyberxorigin or it will not qualify.
  5. Entries need to be in by 3/15/2022 5pm. This is 2 weeks. I want there to be plenty of time for people who are tagged to also be able to enter the contest.

I think that's it. I reserve the right to update the rules in case something nutso crazy happens and I have to add another one because somebody is a really bad person.

Here's the story you need to add upon:

We've been living in this house for a few years. Nothing would have really prepared me for what was about to happen. Sure, they told us that if a disaster ever hit that we'd just have to hide in our basement and put on gas masks...that everything would blow over quickly. That's not exactly how it happenend.

I was sweeping the floor in my kitchen, occasionally glancing out the kitchen window to catch glimpses of the green hillsides and to enjoy the singing of the birds nearby. With a ponytail and whispies falling at my cheeks, my three little children were playing in the living room. It was at this moment, while I was leaning against my broom with a sun-splashed warmth coating my dress and apron, that I saw a flash of light. Almost immediately there was a plume of green and purple smoke shooting up with an orange tinged halo near the origin of the flash.


Here's some background information that may help you get inspiration on where it should go from here:

This story takes place approx. 20 years before this video begins:

Somehow, life went from peaceful to life found in that video...your job is to make it happen.

Your story/version of the story may be used in official story-telling with @psyberx. I've been writing posts for them for a while now. By entering this contest, you agree to be inspiration for our storytelling and your only reward will be the payout from your post or contest winnings if granted. I don't give financial advice, because mine is always-give all your money to's good as gone.

Finally, follows, upvotes, callouts, etc. are welcome but not required. I take them as a tip and a sign of appreciation, not as a bribe...afterall, I'm giving away over 100 Hive's worth of LVL...

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