Not every growing DIY project is a winner

As gardening season had started again and it was time to get all stuff seeding and potting again, I was looking around the house what were also other options to start growing again. After all, when I want to start something, I want to start something fast and a lot again. I ran into this sprouting mix including glass jar that had been sitting there for a while already. Maybe this was also the moment to get this stuff growing in there?

The idea is super easy. Toss the seeds of this sprout mix into the glass jar which has an opening on top of there. Add water in there and shake it for a good on so all the seeds get enough water, and let the water drain away again. Put the jar in the sun as the seeds need enough light. Do this twice a day and just watch the seeds grow.

When the time has come to harvest, get the sprout mix out of there and let it dry for a couple of hours. Ready to eat in a salad or on a sandwich with some other stuff.

The start

The snap above here is like day three and I was super enthusiastic! So with just adding some water and giving it a good shake you can see already that the seeds have started to sprout and are starting to grow a root. Nice! I didn't expect it all to go that easy

What I was noticing that doing something twice a day was not in my system at all and also already doing something on the daily with these seeds was already quite te challenge, even though the jar was standing inside the house.

But the kept growing good even though I neglected it every now and then and it was all growing fast. I guess it was seeming to turn out that I was a good grower after all, or these seeds were just giving me and my foggy brain enough slack. That could also be the option


It was really cool to see that small little plants were growing inside of there and nearly all seeds semed to have sprouted. I could already see myself eating a sandwich with some mayo and cheese and these spicy sprouts on there as a crunchy addition to the meal.

Little leaves were starting to grow and I think we were almost good to go.

And then the same thing happened which happens a lot to me when I am growing stuff. Work gets busy and I get distracted for a couple of days and by the time that I think about the jar with sprouts again, I had already forgotten to water them for a couple of days (which didn't seem like a disaster as everything had still developed) but I think it was just 'ready to harvest' and I didn't do so. The smell that was coming off of it was very soily and I guess there was even some fungus in there.

I was too late and had forgotten about giving it the love and attention. Crap!

My own mental note of this is that they shouldn't get older than 2,5 or 3 weeks max before harvesting and also watering it daily also gets rid of the potential fungus in there keeping it clean. I think I am really gonna set an alarm for harvesting for this, because I had no idea already that it was 3 weeks in there.

If you first don't succeed...try and try again

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