Ingratitude: A Poisonous Attitude That Can Damage Relationships

As my mother would say, do not help people because you want something in return, not everyone will appreciate what you do for them, I learned how to help others without expecting anything in return because if I do, I would be disappointed if eventually, it turns out to be a wasted effort.


I was so pissed at myself yesterday because of what happened to me, I helped my sister and instead of her appreciating my effort all she could say was "Am I not your sister"? This statement got to me which made me decide never to help her again because she always feels entitled to me.

When the children got their breaks from school, she called me that she would be traveling with the children to spend their holiday outside the country just for a few weeks, I was happy for her and the children because I believed the children would enjoy their holidays very well, she left for united State early last month and I bid her safe journey.

She has a house help who has been staying with them for some months now so when she traveled the house help decided to resign and leave the house, there would be a lot of damage if the House help just left the house like that, there are foods inside the freezer, there are dogs to feed and lot of things to monitor in the house since the house help refused to stay till she's back, so she called me to go to her house and stay till she will be back meanwhile I have my business to run as well, without mincing word with her, I accepted to take her burden with mine.


That week I rejected some works that would have fetched me more money because I was not around, I left for my sister's house which is very far from mine, it was more than two-hour journey, and rejecting work was so painful and disturbing but I have no choice, the most painful part of it was missing my best friend wedding just because of her, I had already makes plans on how to travel for my friend's wedding before everything just clash together.

She called me on Friday that she had already landed in Lagos and she would be coming to Abuja on Saturday, I was happy because boredom had turned me to something else, with no place to go and no one to talk to, I was tired of watching movies and pressing my phone, I never believed that I would sacrifice three weeks of my life for someone else.

On Saturday morning I cleaned everywhere, and mopped the house, though I clean the house every two days because I am the only one at home and the house is always clean but this particular day I did everything, clean her room because she left it scattered, I arranged everything washed her toilet with the Children own and make sure the house looks clean and presentable.

She came back and what she had to say was that she left some fish in the freezer and she couldn't find it again, not even a thank you from her, my heart skipped for a minute because I did not deserve her actions, I thought she would tell me thank you for making me not to stress myself and keeping the house in order, I watched to see if she would appreciate my effort but no, she doesn't.

I packed my bag early in the morning on Sunday which was yesterday and told her I was going back to my house, I was so surprised when she said who is going to stay with her children because she would be resuming office today which is Monday, I told her immediately that I am not your nanny or house help, the funniest part is that she didn't buy anything for me while coming back to the country, I unbox four traveling bag without getting anything from her.

I was so angry that I had to report the matter to my mother, wasting my time without appreciating me is what I won't condone, I know she will never make an attempt to call me for such a thing again and if she does I will never answer to such anymore, she is an ingrate and this is what I do not like.

I think saying thank you can really go a long way, we should learn how to appreciate others and never feel entitled because we do not own their lives. Appreciating people can trigger more, let them know you value their time and effort, is very important.

This is another beautiful month and this is my response to day 2 of Inleo daily prompt of #septemberinleo if you wish to join this daily prompt then click on this Link


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