My Cleaning Activity for Today, 23rd Sept; 2024.

Good day, dear friends of the #cleanplanet community. It's another amazing week to embark on our unending quest aiming towards making the planet Earth a cleaner and better place for everyone. It's often said, “Cleanliness is next to godliness”. For me, I rephrase it to, “cleanliness is next to healthiness and godliness”.

It's been a while since I got engaged in a cleaning activity around my area because of many house chores and farm work. But I managed to carry out a quick cleaning exercise this morning before heading out.

 Respect :::::: Fear

Fear and respect are two different types of feelings with great differences. Another important point to note when talking about fear or respect is that they both involve two individuals, the fearful and the feared as well as the respected and the respectful one. For one to be feared or respected, there must be a causing factor behind it, these factors could be age, power, financial status, relationship and many more.

One of the major factors that would make me feel like I deserve respect from a person is age and it's a normal thing. No parent wouldn't expect some iota of respect from his children or any younger persons around them(age factor). Many people feel they deserve respect because of their power as a president, financial status or relationship as a boss at work. These are also factors that attract respect but sometimes have jurisdiction. What do I mean? My brother's boss at work wouldn't expect such an extent of respect from me at my different workplace. His place of power and respect has boundaries limited to his company or office.
But for the age factor, no one can see an older person anywhere and wouldn't show some form of respect.

Fear is one of the worst feelings I believe ever existed. From what my dad told me, “Fear is the greatest enemy of man” and I've got to find out that it's the truth. One thing I know about that feeling of fear is that when the causing factor of fear is taken away, the feared becomes a mere individual.
Some of the factors that can bring about the feeling of fear are power, the risk of losing something, and lots of others. The major factor here is power. A store attendant and a bank manager would fear a thief only when he holds a weapon, without that the thief is a “mere” and normal citizen.

For me personally, I would expect respect in certain situations and fear in some other situations. If I were a soldier, I would always want my enemies to fear me but as a teacher, I would prefer my pupils to respect me than learn with fear.
That's my view on fear and respect.

Finally here are photographs I made while carrying out my cleaning exercise today. From an empty bag to a filled one:

Finally, when the street I visited took a tidy look and my bag filled as well, I headed for the waste container.

The container is empty because I disposed everything in it in my last cleaning activity which I shared with everyone as well.

Thanks for reading friends. I encourage everyone in our free time to engage in some cleaning activities too as we work towards creating a better and cleaner planet, earth.

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