Five-hour journey exceeded eight hours || Today is the day of travel

Today is the day of travel. I left home early this morning to go to Lahore. The journey to Lahore is a long one. And the journey is five hours. I had to go to Lahore for my medical. So I left home for Lahore at about eight o'clock this morning.
And I arrived at the bus stand at nine o'clock in the afternoon. I bought a car ticket. And the car left at about half past ten. But the road was bad at places along the way. And that five-hour journey exceeded eight hours. The reason for this was that the roads were badly damaged due to rain. And the floodwaters had blocked the road in some places.


But the driver continued to drive the car with great skill and reduce the length of the journey. There was heavy traffic on all sides of the road due to the breakdown of the road all the way.
And long-distance commuters were forced to wade through floodwaters.
But the journey was very tiring.


Some refreshments are provided inside the car. But after a four-hour detention, the car management provided the passengers with biscuits and snacks and a cold drink.
But I didn't like the biscuits and salt at all but the cold drink was a bit better.
I drank cold drinks and tried to get rid of fatigue. But the delivery journey was still to come.

Under normal circumstances, the vehicle management already informs the passengers about the difficulties during the journey. But when asked, he was told that the condition of the road was due to the influx of flood water at night. The current vehicle management was not aware of it.


I took some pictures from inside the car. So I can share the story of my journey with you guys. Because it feels good to share a story with you.
Expected. I will reach my destination sometime in the evening. And I will write more in the story of this journey.
Thanks so much for watching my post.
Your brother friend and dear Yusuf Haroon.


Hope you all will enjoy my journey inside pictures of bus.


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I am still in bus and network signal are droping but i am trying my best to publish my this post.hope i will be able.




I am still in buss and on road my three hour journey still left and hope i will arrive at destination before sunset.

I will share with you my this journey story.
It is tired and best journey.

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