[Esp/Eng] La trilladora de mi abuelo / My grandfather's threshing machine

Buenas noches comunidad de Hive.
Hoy queria hablarles sobre el pilon de mi abuelo.Hace años mi abuelo compro una trilladora de maiz, para poder trabajar en su casa

Good Evening Hive community
Today I wanted to tell you about my grandfather's pylon, years ago my grandfather bought a corn threshing machine, so he could work from home


Con la trilladora de maiz, mi abuelo es capaz de realizar un proceso que toma varios pasos que son normales en el campo, el cual es desgranar el maiz, separar la concha del maiz trillado y limpiar los granos.

With the corn thresher, my grandfather is able to perform a process that takes several steps that are normal in the field, which is to thresh the corn, separate the husk from the threshed corn and clean the kernels.



De esta forma se obtiene el maiz trillado, el cual se lava, sancocha y se muele para obtener masa de maiz para alimentos como arepa, bollos, empanadas, etc. Tambien se obtiene el nepe(alimento para animales como gallinas, loros,etc.)

In this way we obtain the threshed corn, which is washed, parboiled and milled to obtain corn dough for foods such as arepas, buns, empanadas, etc. It is also obtained the nepe (food for animals such as chickens, parrots, etc.).



Fotos tomadas por @vyhonny
Modelo de telefono: Samsung galaxy A10
Desde Guarico-Venezuela

Photos taken by @vyhonny
Phone model: Samsung galaxy A10
From Guarico-Venezuela

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