Foxy Greetings and Introductions

Hello everyone!


My given name is Leandre Warren, a rather pretentious and often difficult name for most people to pronounce, I have encountered every interesting pronounciation under the sun, however to my friends and my loved one I am simply Lee 😀 often called Foxy by certain of my buddies.

Photo by Alex Andrews:

I became pretty fox obsessed at one stage, and was looking for a business name and well, The Foxy Geek SA was born. An ode to my love of foxes, read mild obsession, and my tendency to love everything technology related. I am a geek at heart, having been in a variety of technical based jobs in the past.

I live in the very beautiful Cape Town, South Africa. Although I am in the midst of a very sudden relocation, location still mildly undetermined, but as soon as that is nailed down you will receive multiple move updates and sharing, a girls got to vent somewhere 😉

Photo by Taryn Elliott:

So more about me, and well this is an interesting one to be sure.
I am 41, almost 42, which in all honesty is a shock, I am not sure how one is supposed to feel at 42, but I'm sure that this isn't it.

I have a beautiful 14 year old son, and just like his mom he is tech obsessed.

I am thoroughly blessed to say our family grew by one more, with the addition of my very beauitul wife. We officially said I do on the 9th of September, a mere 1 month ago. So yes we are very much newly weds.

She is based in the army, and is currently away from home on a course for her next rank, Sargeant Major, an amazing achievement in every sense.

Beautiful wedding photo by

I am a mixed of a very many things, I am an artist by nature, although not by trade. I run a small sticker and journal supply business, as most South Africans having a side hussle.
I draw, paint, crochet and my latest obsession is junk journalling.
Or creative journalling.

This is a beautiful process of just trusting the process and letting go, putting pieces together to form a journal for no other reason that to be art and to be pretty.

Creative journalling is a exceptionally healing process, as many people in our world, I have a few mental health issues rambling around, depression, PTSD and Adhd to mention a few. The phrase I love that is being widely used is neuro divergent, a wonderful term to embrace all the differences.

I am a tentative writer, and always have a few book ideas muddling about in my head, although they never quite make it to paper.

Maybe this might be the correct outlet to finally start writing that book, who knows 🤔

So there we are, me in a nutshell, or just nutty, you make the choice, but uniquely weird and embracing all my weirdness and now subjecting you all to it too

I am thrilled to be here and cannot wait to start an amazing journey and make some amazing friends along the way!!

Lotsa love! mwah

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