Stir-Crazy Global Pandemic Times

I always get a charge out of my cats and their peculiar habits. Being house-bound they get antsy and will start getting on each other’s nerves.

Maybe a little boxing will ease tension.


Sunday is thinking of some mischief.


They never sit beside each other but always use the social distancing rule.


Ok, I’ll admit to going a bit stir-crazy, like the cats, with all the self-isolating and shutdowns of businesses.

We are well into our second week here and there’s not an end in sight of when it will be safe to resume normal lifestyle.

Being retired Hubby and I stay home anyway. Living well isolated here in the country, we normally like to drive into town or Charlottetown for shopping quite often. Our cribbage and euchre card games at the Legion and community center have been closed. I usually have lunch or coffee with a friend once a week here in town maybe even go to the horse races.

False Claims For Cures

I just heard on the news about false cures for the virus and they were advising people not to believe these claims.

One supposedly cure was to stand on your head. Another was to drink a glass of warm water every 1/2 hour. Probably these claims wouldn’t do any harm but it not a cure for COVID-19 virus.

There is no known cure yet.

What To Do At Home

  • Start a new project - this might be a good time to paint or spiff up a room.

  • Write

  • Read

  • Create

  • Cook or bake something different

  • If children at home bring out the cards and teach them some games.

  • Dust off that guitar or piano and start practicing, playing and singing

  • Pick up the needles and hook again-crocheting, knitting, quilting

  • Take a virtual class on the Internet

  • Exercise or practice meditation

  • Keep in touch with family and friends via phone and social media devices.

Try not to be overcome by anxiety in these turbulent times. Keep the faith as we are all in this together.

Not even a mouse in sight for Red.


💕 💕 💕

Location:Prince Edward Island, Canada

Photos and Text @redheadpei

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