Birch Trees And Freya

Tree Tuesday is inspired by @old-guy-photos.

A beautiful day Spring day-

Tall slender Birch trees at the edge of the yard with their bare branches against the clear blue sky.


The birch is one of my favorite trees not only for the medicinal purposes but the white bark always adds a nice splash of color to the environment in any season.

I’ve seen their resilience as they bend and sway in high winds. The bright white bark of the tree shows a light in the forest for night travellers. Birch trees were known as Way Showers in some ancient cultures.


Birch trees, traditionally called Ladies of the Forest are associated with Freya in Norse and Germanic legends. The beautiful goddess, Freya, the hunter, is also known as the Lady of the Forest.

Freya has been described with many personas and her power and knowledge of magic is believed to be unsurpassed. She is part of the personality of Frigga, the wife of Odin and has been loved, celebrated and scorned.

Birch trees are associated with the goddess Freya and an distilled liquid made from the sap of the tree is called Freya.

Trees against a background of red and purple sky as the sun goes down.


A bit of snow left on the confederation trail. Birch and spruce tree at the start of the trail in town.


Your truly in a group of birches along the forest path by the house.


Now that spring is here in Eastern Canada it wouldn’t be long before the beautiful birch trees will be fully dressed in their green foliage.

Location:Prince Edward Island, Canada

Photos & Text by @redheadpei

If you are interested in more info on Freya and Frigga in a previous post of mine titled Happy Thorsday: Bring The hammer Now check here.

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