The beautiful village of Gois was one of my favorite passages in my long vacations, despite being more than 250 kilometers from my home, it was worth every centimeter traveled, Gois is famous for its very old bridge that is full of fantastic stories, who would say that around here hundreds of years ago the French passed through the town and looted it, that is, we are talking to Napoleon's troops, and that is because Portugal has for us beautiful landscapes and towns with more than 500 years of being founded! Join me in this video-drone where we will visit one of the most beautiful cities in the center of Portugal🧭🚙🛫

La hermosa villa de Gois fue uno de mis pasajes favoritos en mis largas vacaciones, apesar de estar a mas de 250kilometros de mi hogar valio la pena cada centimetro recorrido, Gois es famosa por su puente muy antiguo que esta lleno de historias fantasticas, quien diria que por aqui cientos de años atras los franceses pasaron en la villa y la saquearon, osea estamos hablando a las tropas de napoleon, y es que Portugal tiene para nosotros bonitos paisajes y pueblos con mas de 500 años de ser fundados! acompañame en este video-drone donde visitaremos una de las ciudades mas bonitas del centro de Portugal🚨🚩👨👩👧🧓



Gois is a small city in the center of Portugal, we find it in the district of Coimbra famous for its beautiful landscapes and for being positioned in a valley surrounded by beautiful and virgin mountains that give it a very wild, natural touch capable of interacting with the nature in a unique way, Gois has little more than 2000 inhabitants, reading about Gois is synonymous with the sierra de penedos that is more than 1000 meters high, here in gois the mountains predominate with beautiful trails to do with the family and very beautiful rivers that in summer they are a tourist attraction to take baths and swim between waterfalls!😮🤩
Gois es una pequeña ciudad en el centro de Portugal, la encontramos en el distrito de Coimbra famosa por sus hermosos paisajes y por estar posicionado en un valle rodeado de hermosas y virgenes montañas que le dan un toque muy salvaje, natural capaz de interactuar con la naturaleza de forma unica, Gois tiene poco mas de 2000 habitantes, leer sobre Gois es sinonimo de la sierra de penedos que tiene mas de 1000 metros de altura, aqui en gois predominan las montañas con bonitos senderos para realizar en familia y rios muy hermosos que en verano son atractivo turistico para tomar baños y nadar entre cascadas!🤗🌅🌊




Do you remember my post about the villages of Xistos? those houses that were built with a special type of stone that was extracted from the mountain itself? well, these villages belong to the beautiful district of Coimbra and are less than an hour from Gois, although the center of the Gois valley is not very large, it has some tourist sites such as the bridge over the Ceira river that tells the famous story where the troops of Napoleon entered to plunder and destroy the town of Gois in the 17th century. The Ceira River is the main watercourse that borders and passes through the entire city of Gois, decorating the landscape with a soothing noise and creating an ecosystem full of many animals!🚩🧭
Recuerdas mi post de las aldeas de Xistos? aquellas casas que estaban construidas por un tipo de piedra especial que era extraida de la propia montaña? bueno estas aldeas pertenecen al hermoso distrito de Coimbra y esta a menos de una hora de Gois, apesar del centro del valle de Gois no ser muy grande tiene algunos sitios turisticos como el punte sobre el rio Ceira que cuenta la famosa historia donde las tropas de Napoleon entraron para saquear y destruir la villa de Gois en el siglo 17. El rio Ceira es el principal fluente de agua que bordea y pasa por toda la ciudad de Gois decorando el paisaje con un ruido relajante y creando un ecosistema lleno de muchos animales!🌍🌎






The beautiful town of Gois is believed to have been founded in the twelfth century. It is believed that King D. Enrique was the one who gave the order to the Portuguese people to populate Gois, from the century Gois became important as a strategic point since it was constantly swept away by enemy troops of Portugal, if you come to the town you can visit the Matriz church that has a Gothic architecture, the municipal chamber is very beautiful and also has a 17th century architecture that is very well preserved! and of course the famous manueline bridge which is the main attraction of Gois🚩🧭
La hermosa villa de Gois se cree que fue fundada en el siglo XII se cree que el rey D. Enrique fue quien dio la orden al pueblo Portugues de poblar Gois, a partir del siglo Gois toma importancia como punto estrategico ya que era constantemente barrido por tropas enemigas de Portugal, si vienes a la villa puedes visitar la iglesia Matriz que presenta una arquitectura Gotica, la camara municipal es muy bonita y tambien tiene una arquitectura del siglo XVII esta muy bien conservada! y por supuesto el famoso puente de manuelina que es el principal atractivo de Gois🥰😎










You want to get the most out of Gois so I recommend that you come in the summer months when some regional festivals are celebrated and the temperature of the water is higher and good for taking baths, despite being summer it will not be a very hot place because it is in a privileged area between several mountain ranges, I hope you have enjoyed this beautiful town that has so many stories and natural sites to explore!🤩🤩
Quieres sacar el maximo provecho de Gois entonces te recomiendo que vengas en los meses de verano cuando se celebran algunas fiestas regionales y la temperatura del agua es mas alta y buena para tomar baños, apesar de ser verano no sera un sitio muy caliente porque esta en una zona priviligiada entre varias sierras montañosas, espero que hayas gustado de esta hermosa villa que tiene tanta historias y sitios naturales para recorrer!😃












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