Be Creative in Mexico..

Hey Friends, hey Hive Crew =D
I haven't heard from me for a long time, but now I'm getting back. Everyone who has read my blog regularly knows that I emigrated from Germany to Mexico a few months ago. it wasn't always easy, but I don't want to be without this free and independent life anymore. Now I'll tell you why so little came from me and what I did instead! I created my website...or I'm still at it!🥴 It's a lot of work, but I love it!

It's about a strong body, a free Mind, and a healthy Soul! It's about the fact that all three pillars are important for a healthy Self. On the site, you will find tips on how best to connect with your Soul, which means how to live happily but also tips for a better, more positive Mindset. I think that's so important these days! Today I show you my first article that I will post on my Website! To be the best version of yourself, not only a healthy body and a clear mind are important but above all a healthy soul. That means you should try to live in harmony with your soul. We'll tell you how that works in the following article. But first of all, we'll explain what the soul is.

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****What is the Soul?******
The soul is the center of who we are. The divine spark that everyone carries within them. Put simply, "the psyche" of man. The soul is the part in you that knows what's inside you, your fullest potential, the part that knows who you are. Your soul knows what your purpose in life is, your true being! It is your higher self. Your soul knows your true size!

What does it mean to live in harmony with my soul?
The soul is the innermost thing that makes every human being. If we don't listen to our innermost being, we become unhappy. Living in harmony with your soul means living the life that fulfills you. Living in harmony with the soul means you lead a life in which you are 100% true to yourself, without compromise. It has to be authentic and correspond to us. It means you have found what fulfills you and what “enlivens you”. It means that you have found yourself. You have found your "soul purpose" and lead a life independent of money or opinions. One tells the materialistic world more and more and embarks on a spiritual journey, more on the spiritual level.
If you don't live in harmony with your soul, you often feel empty, you have to cover up this feeling with something else. You feel lonely even though you might not be. You have lost access to your soul.
By then at the latest you should question your whole life, the job, does it suit me, does it make me happy, do I like to get up every day, or am I only doing it because of the money or because this job has a respected status, which I maybe even have been not?
The relationship, my environment, are those people who give me energy, who inspire me? Are these relationships that make me happy, or do I just have them so as not to be alone?
You should question everything and start to restructure your life. Of course, that can be very, very difficult, but it's worth it because that's the only way you'll be happy.
You should embark on a spiritual journey and be on the lookout for "more". Something that feels you completely. Of course, this can be different for every person, so you shouldn't let anyone talk you into it and you should fully concentrate on yourself and focus on yourself and your needs.

Become the Best Version of Yourself! Create a healthy body, a clear mind, and a pure soul. (1).png

How can we connect with our souls?
First, we have to ask ourselves what makes us what we live for, what makes us happy, and what makes us special. What triggers a feeling of happiness in you? At what can you completely forget the time? What is your meaning in life?
You should ask yourself all of this. It is best to write it all down so that you can visualize everything better.
If you don't know what enriches you and you find it difficult to answer these questions, I would recommend writing down 100 things that make you happy, these can be the smallest and simplest things. But with 100 things you go deep and have to think carefully. Think about what was fun for you as a child, as children we were the way we are without ulterior motives and influence! With no thought of money or good job status, we did what we loved. And then as you grew up, you focused more and more on other things. You wanted others to be right, you allowed yourself to be guided and indoctrinated by the outside world. The focus was too much on external recognition.
On the other hand, it's also a good job to write down everything that doesn't make you happy in your life, what makes you dissatisfied in your life, that way it's sometimes easier to see things that need to be changed!
You should start listening to your intuition, your inner knowing, and your gut feeling again. With everything, ask yourself, am I doing this for myself, does it suit me? Listen to your inner feeling, not to your Ego.
Meditation can also help in the search "for oneself" and life in connection with one's soul, as it stimulates certain areas of the brain that are responsible for perception and self-control. Through regular meditation, new connections are formed and enlarged.

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What is the ego?
When you say ego, you mean the image you have of yourself. It's the little voice in your head. Who do you think you are? The image you have of yourself determines: how you behave, how you feel, and what status and self-worth you ascribe to yourself. For example, if you think about yourself, "You are too weak, small, poor, stupid for something," then you show that to the outside world and behave accordingly. So it makes sense to have as strong and positive a self-image as possible if you want to lead a happy and successful life. The ego develops over the years, with parents or e.g. teachers saying "You're good at it, you're bad at it, you're not that good at it!" Over time a false self-image develops, only you can know who you are, and don't listen to the opinions of others. The ego, this false self-image, is holding you back from many things, telling you that you can't do it anyway. You can "destroy" and "dissolve" your current ego by leaving your comfort zone and looking for new challenges and thus creating a new self-image.

How does a dissatisfied soul make the body sick?
We do a lot for our bodies, do sports and eat healthily. But we should also do the same for our souls. If we are unhappy and unsatisfied, the soul can become ill.
Chronic stress, dissatisfaction, and grief weaken the immune system and make us more susceptible to illnesses, because everything belongs together, body, mind, and soul. If one part is not well, the other part reports.
If we are constantly sad, negative, and insecure, we should work on it, because that can cause illnesses in the long run!
If we lead a life that doesn't fulfill us, it can make the body ill, trigger anxiety disorders, or worse. The zest for life decreases. The power you once had is no longer there, so it's always important to listen to your inner voice Listen
Difficulty sleeping, rumination, low self-esteem/confidence, feelings of guilt and inferiority, hopelessness, loss of appetite, and difficulty concentrating can also be a sign that you are not living in harmony with your soul and that you should change something
It is therefore essential that all three pillars, the health of the soul, the clear mind, and the fit and strong body, are healthy, that you do not just focus on one of the three aspects. and neglect the other. Harmony between all three Columns is the cornerstone for a healthy whole!

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I would be very happy if you would take a look at my website! Let me know what you think about the website, as I said, it's not finished yet, but what do you think of the first article? I'd appreciate feedback!

Thank you so much anna

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