It's too funny was my Sunday, but I am still rating it as part of my sublime day. Everybody must appreciate how beautiful is the day when we eat, healthy and no big problem at all

Here's my story

Today is already Monday morning in Saudi Arabia. And the story I would like to share was the story happened within a whole day and night yesterday.

I woke up early and the first thing I did is to fix everything in the kitchen. But my boss told me to buy meat in the nearest butcher house. We can go out now from 8 am to 8 pm. Lockdown, quarantine, and curfew are still on the procedure in our lifestyle until June 21.

15 hours lockdown in the kitchen

I cooked 60 pots of native Arabic
foods that have a very long process.

It is made up of wheat, meat, and spices plus rice. It will be reheated during the wedding day

That was an order for a wedding party. Before I finished cooking it, one of the daughters requested me to cook a recipe she liked, The white macaroni(pasta).
The youngest favorite.

Vine leaves stuff is the favorite of the second to the youngest daughter. Making this food is too meticulous, just like the first food I cooked.

The oven mix vegetables with cheese was intended for the first son who was fasting yesterday.

Then the soup, fish, and rice for my boss were for lunch. Oh my God, how many kinds of foods I cooked yesterday but I was still in beautiful Sunday mood.


Let us take a look at the picture of the messy kitchen! All big casserole dish we're out and not easy to wash.

The dirty gas range was so badly sticky from cooking since morning. 'till might.**

I washed the dishes but I was tired and leave the kitchen at 11:30 pm.

I supposed to wash the floor with soap and disinfectant but I was too tired and sleepy. I left and continue today.

That's a funny beautiful lockdown in the kitchen. It made my heart happy to that kind of accomplishment as a housekeeper. I'm proud of receiving my salary from my hard work.

Because I was so tired, when I lay down on my bed, I forgot the world where I stay.

A kind of beautiful and sublime Sunday as my entry for @ace108 and @coffe33a.



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