Shelter in Place Day Number . . . which is it now?


The entire state of New York has been under a #ShelterInPlace order since March 20, 2020. With all but essential services in New York suspended, our economy is on PAUSE, from the city all the way through the suburbs and farms to the North and East.

Today is April 21, just over a month later, and there is no clear end in sight. The governor just recently announced that the PAUSE directive remains through May 15, 2020. Oddly, the few weeks have flown by yet simultaneously feel like the longest month ever.

And no, I'm not complaining. I'm just hoping we're able to continue keeping the virus at bay. While my children and I are able to stay home (I work from home and have done so for years), my husband is a first responder. While some have chosen to have frontliner family members fully isolate, we've weighed our situation alongside his actual day to day experience, and we've opted not to do that. But that's not to say our circumstances will stay the same.

Are we taking precautions? Yes. Lots of them. And also using lots of Lysol.

The cold hard truth is that every day he goes to work is another day that we reset our possible exposure clock. And if we see an increase in the direct impact and exposure risk to him and his close colleagues, things will need to change.


On a less anxiety-inducing note, I'm digging the Travel at Home challenge by @psos. Check it out— to participate, publish an entry with three photos from your pre-COVID travels and use the tag #travelathome.

For this entry's mini-series of 3 travel photos, here are a few #iphonephotos from a work trip I went on a few years ago. These are from a super-short pit stop in Los Angeles before I headed to San Diego.

I took these photos an iPhone 6 back in June 2015. To prepare them for this post, I grabbed them from my Shutterfly account (yay for backups!) and quickly ran them through Lightroom CC.

Griffith Observatory

Panorama featuring Griffith Observatory to the left and the Hollywood Hills to the right. You can just barely make out the Hollywood sign if you zoom in and squint realllllly hard. 😅

Giraffes at the San Diego Zoo

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