Cultural dance in Cross River State is about to begin - although with an incident!

Greetings to everyone of this great community of Hive. I want to write about a cultural dance in my place of primary assignment in Cross River State Nigeria.

Ogada (I) community in obubra local
government area of Cross River State Nigeria are preparing for their cultural dance called (idang) in their local dialect.

The dance will take place on the first week of July, the date has not yet been fixed, the dancers will not do the following activities:

  • Go to farm
  • Go to fetch water
  • cook or carry baby on their backs

According to their tradition, the dancers will be going round the community day after day for complete one month (1) before the main day of their celebration.
One of the dancers was poisoned at the foot by an unknown person, which is the more reason why the date has not been fixed. The dancer suspected one of the community guys been responsible for her illness according to their findings.

The suspect was summon yesterday being 16th of June 2020 at the chief palace and he was beaten by the community youths. The police was also involved in this matter. The police asked the suspect the reason for his actions. The suspect clearly stated that the reason why he did that was because of the dancer mother's actions towards his father's land.


Meanwhile the police are making effort to make sure that the case has been handled well according to the police law in Nigeria. The police seek for the permission of the chief to take the suspect along side with them to their station, but the community members disagree with them.

According to their clan head, chief Gabriel said that the incident of poison has become a rapid measure in the community, that he will take this case serious to make sure that the case of keeping poison to a fellow community members reduce.


A suggestion was made by one of the peace and security members of the community in the person of Sunday okpa Benson , said that he is suspecting the elder brother of the suspect who nationalised in another community to be responsible for this, the clan head chief Gabriel immediately ordered three (3) of the community youths to bring him down to the community, he responded and came down to the community immediately and when he arrived he was ordered by the clan head chief Gabriel and other chiefs cabinet and some of the community members to pray for the lady and he did exactly what they asked him to do. After the prayers the dancer recovered and became healthy again.

The cultural dance will continue as planned as the police will have to close the case. I will be updating this post with activities from the cultural event. Keep an eye on this blog for more actions from the cultural event.

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