Quick & easy homemade bread | No yeast, soda or baking powder

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Hey there, dear fellow PeakerS!

On this sunny Sunday, I would like to share with you one extremely quick and easy recipe for homemade bread.
If you happen not to love any artificial ingredients in your food, you are definitely going to like this one. Usually, you need to use either yeast, soda, or even baking powder in order to create that fluffiness and make the bread rise.
I have to warn you that recipe is not going to help you make the fluffiest bread but you will be sure that you are eating only natural ingredients.

I personally love the smell of freshly baked homemade bread and it brings so many memories from my childhood - when I was a little girl, every weekend I was going fishing with my father and every single time we were passing by one tiny family-owned bakery. I remember how we were buying two loaves of bread - one to eat while driving in the car and one when we arrive!
Even now while I share this I feel the goosebumps!

So, let’s first start with the ingredients:

  • 650 gr wheat flour
  • 250 gr lukewarm water
  • 3 tbsp honey
  • The juice of 1,5 lemon
  • 4 tbsp sunflower oil
  • A pinch of salt

First, pour the honey into the lemon juice and mix until thoroughly combined. After that, take a big bowl and mix all of the ingredients while gradually adding the flour. I personally start with the help of a spoon so I can skip the messier part. Once you can’t go any further with the spoon you’ll simply feel the moment. (LOL)

Now it’s time to get those hands dirty!
Start with dusting your hands with some flour and go wild with the mixture. Once you have a smooth and homogenous dough you’re done! Since we aren’t using any artificial ingredients we do not have to wait for the dough to rise so you can just prepare your bread at the moment.

Take the baking tray that you will be using and either place some baking paper or go with the old school way of doing it - spread some oil on the bottom and pour some flour on top. Form your bread in the desired shape and place it in the tray.
For the so-called “decoration” you can literally do everything. I have decided to cut the upper layer in a cross shape and pour some oat flakes on top.

Bake to a medium temperature for around 35 minutes in a preheated oven. If you prefer your bread a bit crispier than usual as I do, you can leave for 5 or 10 more additional minutes.

I hope you have like today’s recipe and I will be happy if you decide to prepare it at home and share your thoughts.

Stay healthy and delicious,
Chef Dimitrova

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