[ESP/ENG] Improvisación de danza y reflexión de "Love Yourself” Bieber/ Dance improv and reflection

Hola comunidad de #Gems. Seguiré esta semana con la dinámica de subir videos de danza y dando mi significado de la canción, ya que es una de esas cosas que me gustan y me apasionan; la danza y escritura.

Hello #Gems community. I will continue this week with the dynamic of uploading dance videos and giving my meaning of the song, since it is one of those things that I like and am passionate about; dance and writing.

El día de hoy escogí esta canción de Justin Bieber “love yourself”, donde quizás el significado es bastante obvio, ya que trata de una relación algo toxica, y como el va comparando su relación amorosa con la de algunas amistades, pero el significado a trasfondo que puedo darle a pesar del desamor que se ve a simple vista que existe, es el amor que el aun siente por la chica, por lo que, le pide amarse a sí misma.

Today I chose this song by Justin Bieber "love yourself", where perhaps the meaning is quite obvious, since it deals with a somewhat toxic relationship, and how he compares his love relationship with that of some friends, but the meaning background that I can give despite the lack of love that can be seen with the naked eye that exists, is the love that he still feels for the girl, so he asks her to love herself.

El amor propio nace con la persona, a menudo estamos cultivando el amor cuando hacemos cosas que nos apasionan, en las cuales nos sentimos plenas y llenas, sin embargo, motivado al ajetreo de la vida, los quehaceres, el trabajo, en ocasiones es muy normal sentirnos agobiados y exhaustos, por lo que, vamos perdiendo el amor propio. Cuando esto me ocurre, tomo un día para mí, tipo una cita, me despierto temprano, escojo algo lindo que ponerme, me maquillo y preparo mi cabello y salgo a disfrutar algo que amo.

Self-love is born with the person, we are often cultivating love when we do things that we are passionate about, in which we feel full and full, however, motivated by the hustle and bustle of life, chores, work, sometimes it is very It is normal to feel overwhelmed and exhausted, so we are losing self-esteem. When this happens to me, I take a day to myself, kind of a date, wake up early, pick out something nice to wear, do my makeup and do my hair, and go out and enjoy something I love.

Recordemos que al final, a pesar de tener a tantas personas a nuestro alrededor, somos nosotros quien siempre estaremos para nosotros, es por eso que para mí es esencial poder cultivar el amor propio.

Let us remember that in the end, despite having so many people around us, we are the ones who will always be there for us, that is why it is essential for me to be able to cultivate self-love.

Esperando este tipo de post les llame la atención, quisiera agradecerle a todos los que el día de ayer le dieron amor con un voto a mi video, los hago con mucho cariño para todos ustedes, por lo que los bendigo enormemente. Me despido, besos.

Waiting for this type of post to catch your attention, I would like to thank all those who yesterday gave my video love with a vote, I do them with much love for all of you, for which I probably bless you. I say goodbye, kisses.

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