Pensé que iba a Morir - I thought I was going to die

Hola Querida Comunidad, hoy comparto mi experiencia cercana a la muerte, por lo menos así lo sentí. Un accidente automovilístico 🚗, aun lucho con las secuelas psicológicas 😕.

Dear Community, today I share my near-death experience, at least that's how I felt. A car accident 🚗, I still struggle with the psychological aftermath 😕.


Era viernes y regreso casa luego de la jornada laboral, mi pequeña hija se encontraba enferma, estaba bajo tratamiento médico y ese día mi mama se hizo cargo de ella.

Luego de conversar sobre la recuperación de mi hija mi mama me comenta con cara desencajada que llamaron de Puerto Cabello (ciudad del estado Carabobo, Venezuela) para informar que había fallecido el esposo de una prima muy cercana y querida.

Ellos siempre estaban presente en todas las reuniones familiares y casi todos los fines de semana que íbamos para allá, nos dirigíamos a la playa con varios primos y este feliz matrimonio era parte del grupo. Tenían dos hermosas hijas.

It was Friday and I returned home after work, my little daughter was sick, she was under medical treatment and that day my mother took care of her.

talking about my daughter's recovery, my mother told me with a broken face that they called from Puerto Cabello (a city in the state of Carabobo, Venezuela)to inform me that the husband of a very close and dear cousin had passed away.

were always present at all the family reunions and almost every weekend we went there, we went to the beach with several cousins and this happy couple was part of the group. They had two beautiful daughters.


Sin mucho que pensar converso con el papa de mi hija, le explico lo sucedido y le pido que se quede el sábado con la niña porque debemos ir a Puerto Cabello.

A las 6:00 am salimos de la casa (Caracas) a las 8:30 aproximadamente estábamos llegando a la funeraria, mi prima y sus hijas estaban consternadas, fue una muerte repentina, era un hombre joven y sano.

A las 11:00 am salió la carroza fúnebre para el cementerio, y todos los presentes nos dirigimos para darle el último adiós y apoyo a sus padres, esposa e hijas.

Without much to think about I talked to my daughter's father, I explained what had happened and asked him to stay with the girl on Saturday because we had to go to Puerto Cabello.

At 6:00 am we left the house (Caracas) at approximately 8:30 am we were arriving at the funeral home, my cousin and her daughters were shocked, it was a sudden death, he was a young and healthy man.

At 11:00 am the hearse left for the cemetery, and all of us present went to say our last goodbye and support to his parents, wife and daughters.


Luego de finalizar el sepelio, gran parte de la familia pasamos comprando comida y fuimos a casa de una tía para almorzar. Al terminar la comida mi mama y yo nos despedimos para empezar el viaje de retorno.

Quería llegar temprano a casa para estar con mi hija.

A las 3:15 aproximadamente ya estábamos por La Victoria (estado Aragua) en la Autopista Regional del Centro, conversaba con mi mama de que frutas y comida sana le compraríamos a la niña para llevarle y ayudarla en su recuperación.

After the funeral was over, most of the family went shopping for food and went to an aunt's house for lunch. At the end of the meal my mom and I said our goodbyes to start our return trip.

I wanted to get home early to be with my daughter.

At approximately 3:15 we were already in La Victoria (Aragua state) on the Autopista Regional del Centro, I was talking with my mom about what fruits and healthy food we would buy for the girl to take her and help her in her recovery.


Cuando el carro empezó con un sonido desconocido y un movimiento fuera de lo normal, mi mama lo trata de controlar pero este se desplaza hacia la derecha, no entendíamos que pasaba. Veo un gran árbol y lo primero que pienso es que nos estrellaríamos con él.

Enseguida entrelazo mi brazo izquierdo con el brazo derecho de mi madre para morir junto a ella. Fue lo único que pensé. Sentí que moriríamos. Era una autopista principal, veníamos a velocidad y muchos carros a nuestro alrededor.

Mi mama como pudo giro el volante a la izquierda para contrarrestar lo que venía…No nos estrellamos contra el árbol, nos volteamos y el carro cayo en la división que tiene la autopista entre los canales de ir y venir.

Dimos muchas vueltas, sentía que estaba en una licuadora y la sensación de muerta cada vez más cerca, mi mama gritaba y creo que yo también.

the car started with an unknown sound and a movement out of the ordinary, my mom tries to control it but it moves to the right, we did not understand what was happening. I see a big tree and the first thing I think is that we would crash into it.

I immediately intertwine my left arm with my mother's right arm to die next to her. It was the only thing I thought. I felt we would die.It was a main highway, we were coming at speed and many cars around us.

My mother, as best she could, turned the steering wheel to the left to counteract what was coming... We did not crash into the tree, we flipped over and the car fell into the division that the highway has between the coming and going channels.

We spun around a lot, I felt like I was in a blender and the sensation of death was getting closer and closer, my mom was screaming and I think I was too.


Cuando finalmente el carro se detuvo quedando de costado sobre el lado del piloto, gracias a Dios seguíamos vivas, mi mama es la primera en quitarse el cinturón de seguridad y me ayuda a quitar el mío, yo temblaba de los nervios, no sabíamos que había pasado, cual había sido la causa del accidente.

Enseguida unas personas se acercaron y nos ayudaron a salir por la ventana del copiloto, un chico que venía un su vehículo detrás de nosotras pudo ver todo, mi mama pregunta pero que paso?, el responde que un caucho boto la banda de rodamiento… Allí rompo en llanto, los nervios me atacaron. Vi la silla de carro que usaba mi hija y agradecí que ella no estuviera con nosotras.

Las personas voltean el carro, nos entregan las carteras y nos ayudan a cruzar la autopista para estar más seguras. Estábamos llenas de tierra de pie a cabeza, no sabíamos que hacer. A los pocos minutos llegaron los Centinelas (policías que custodian la autopista). Mi mama me dice que llame al papa de mi hija para contarle pero que no llore para que él no se ponga nervioso… Gracias a Dios estábamos bien.

Solo pude decir…Hola tuvimos un accidente y empecé a llorar, mi mama me quita el celular y termina hablando ella. Le pide que busque en su agenda los números de teléfonos de sus hermanos que viven más cercanos a la zona para que nos orientaran.

When the car finally stopped on the driver's side, thank God we were still alive, my mom was the first to remove her seat belt and helped me to remove mine, I was shaking with nerves, we did not know what had happened, what had been the cause of the accident.

Immediately some people approached us and helped us to get out through the passenger window, a guy who was coming in his car behind us could see everything, my mom asked what happened, he answered that a rubber had bounced the tread... There I burst into tears, my nerves attacked me. I saw the car seat that my daughter was using and I was thankful that she was not with us.

People turned the car around, handed us our bags and helped us to cross the highway to be safer. We were covered in dirt from head to toe, we didn't know what to do. A few minutes later the Sentinelas (policemen who guard the highway) arrived. My mother told me to call my daughter's father to tell him but not to cry so he wouldn't get nervous... Thank God we were fine.

I could only say...Hello we had an accident and I started to cry, my mom takes my cell phone away from me and she ends up talking. She asks him to look in his address book for the phone numbers of his siblings who live closer to the area so that they could guide us.


Llego una ambulancia y nos examinaron, nos inyectaron calmantes para los dolores, luego la grúa y nos fuimos a una estación de policía de tránsito.

Dos de mis tíos no dicen que van en camino para ayudarnos con los trámites y que no manifestemos ningún traumatismo porque mi mama podía ir detenida…lo que faltaba.

Estando ellos con nosotras resolvimos, el carro que quedo como un acordeón en grúa para el taller de un cuñado de mi tío en Valencia (estado Carabobo) y nosotras finalmente en taxi para Caracas.

Llegamos a casa a las 8:00 pm, agradecidas por estar bien y con vida, y que mi hija no estaba con nosotras.

Al día siguiente a consulta por emergencia para un chequeo general y nos mandaron a usar collarín por presentar latigazo, además analgésicos, antinflamatorios y reposo.

An ambulance arrivedand examined us, they injected us with painkillers for the pain, then the tow truck and we went to a traffic police station.

Two of my uncles told us that they were on their way to help us with the paperwork and that we should not show any trauma because my mother could be arrested...what was missing.

While they were with us, we decided to take the car, which was left like an accordion, by crane to my uncle's brother-in-law's workshop in Valencia (Carabobo state) and we finally took a cab to Caracas.

We arrived home at 8:00 pm, grateful to be well and alive, and that my daughter was not with us.

The next day we went to the emergency room for a general check-up and they ordered us to wear a neck brace for whiplash, plus painkillers, anti-inflammatories and rest.


Ese accidente en mi contacto más directo con la muerte, desde ese momento no puedo dejar de sentir nervios cuando estoy en un vehículo, sobre todo en autopistas, pienso que en cualquier momento un desperfecto mecánico aparecerá o un conductor imprudente ocasionara un accidente y nos veremos involucrados.

Pero enseguida me obligo a cambiar mis pensamientos y visualizar el trayecto perfecto, en armonía para todos.

That accident was my most direct contact with death, since that moment I cannot stop feeling nervous when I am in a vehicle, especially on highways, I think that at any moment a mechanical failure will appear or a reckless driver will cause an accident and we will be involved.

But I immediately force myself to change my thoughts and visualize the perfect ride, in harmony for everyone.


Así termina mi post de hoy deseando buenas vibras, gracias por leer 💞

Thus ends my post today wishing good vibes, thanks for reading 💞

Traductor Deepl.
Mis redes sociales:
Instagram @lis_rodriguez26
Twitter @lrodriguez76

Deepl Translator.
My social networks:
Instagram @lis_rodriguez26
Twitter @lrodriguez76

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