Let's welcome 5 New Hivers from Greece

Hello everyone

I want to introduce you to some new faces that joined our blockchain the past few weeks.
All new users are from Greece and I really love to see the Greek Hive community expanding.

People who live in "poor" countries like Greece will sooner or later discover the HUGE potential of our blockchain and how they can earn a passive income for their online activities. This of course requires collectible efforts from everyone so please do your part and invite/educate new users.

Enough about how awesome our blockchain is, it's time to meet the newest members of our community.



Marios is a dancing school owner with 4 Guiness world records under his belt.
He loves blogging about finance, mining and many more!
He is also the CEO of Cointree, a Group of people who aim to educate Greek citizens about blockchain tech, crypto etc.

Show him some love at his introduction post :


@elenimelene is a general doctor, dance teacher and mother. She loves photography and she is really really talented at dancing.

You can check out her most recent video bellow and tell her what you think :


@aimilios is an aromatic plants cultivator and .... my father! Hahaha!
He loves sharing photos showing of his plants and fields on Facebook.
He asked me if he could do the same on Hive so I helped him sign in, showed his how things work and boom, he shared his 1st post about his Greek biological oregano.

Drop by and say Hi :


It's been a month since @puellacreativa joined and she is on FIRE.
Puella is a Teacher of classics, Mother of 4 kids and she loves everything that is pretty much art-related.
From DIY stuff to Sewing and Crocheting, @puellacreativa can do anything!

She has already shared a lot of awesome post so I'll leave a link with my favourite post of her bellow.

If you are into art, @puellacreativa is the one you MUST follow :


Me and @nicklasgr live in the same city and he is a great guy.
He loves playing pc games, computer stuff and travelling.

Nick actually figured out the whole sign up proccess and how to join communities and post by himself so I am sure he will be a great asset to our community.

He has already shared his introduction post with us so go show him some support :

5 more Greeks started using Hive and the numbers just keep adding up! The Greek Hive Community will soon be a force to reckon with.

I believe that the most important goal of a blockchain like Hive is to be recognized by everyone even if they don't actually use it.
The more people hear/read about Hive, the more likely it is to sign up and start using our ecosystem.

It is up to us to promote Hive to the masses so start sharing your work on other social media platforms so we can raise awareness about our blockchain.


Thank you all for watching and supporting me guys. As a full-time online hustler, supporting my content allows me to keep doing what I love.
Much love to everyone and always have fun.

Find me Here

šŸ” Hive: @knowhow92
šŸ“¹ Youtube : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJTNnvAHca8jcxaBpWn-bzA
šŸ“± Twitter : https://twitter.com/theocharis_ch
ā˜€ļø Lbry : https://lbry.tv/@knowhow92:d
šŸ“¹ Contentos : https://cos.tv/channel/21154518288475136
šŸ“· Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/haris_housos/
ā˜•ļø Ko-fi : https://ko-fi.com/knowhow92

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