Every Start For Good - Introducing Myself

Hello guys! My name is Nick and I'm a 19 year old guy from Greece. IMG_20200801_110311_HDR.jpg
Typically I would be sitting in my pc playing Minecraft, LoL or Asseto Corsa but instead, I'm here writing this post. Well, @knowhow92 (BIG thumbs up for him) told me about hive. I have never been in something like this. Although I'm a new user the interface seems very friendly and good built.

Cheers for Hive Blockchain

Sorry for being carried away, let's return to my main thought. I study at the Department of Tourism in my city, Ioannina. As a 19 year old guy I surely have some interests and hobbys. Some of these are sking and kite surfing. I also like Greek Rap Music. Bong Da City are like my favourite band in its kind. In conclusion, I just wanted you to know that i will try my best to offer you the best content about Gaming, Gaming News, Gameplays, new ideas and this kind of stuff. Also don't be surprised if I also post other things such as random Photos.

Thank you for reading my thoughts and I hope to see you again in my hive blog so we can connect! Best of luck and Peace!

-Nicklas (your guy from Greece)

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