When there is life...

What's left of this year? How long do we have before we get to know if we achieved our plans for the year or not?

In a broader sense, we also don't know how long we have left in this world. Yet we have tons of dreams and plans and stuff like that, piled up on our bucket lists. Do we even stand a chance of doing any of these things before our demise?


These are important questions, ain't they?

This has to be the moment that even the most pathetic, hopeless and miserable of us would have to ask ourselves important questions and genuinely act fast to make the best use of our lives.

First things first, I want you to see life as a valuable gift

I've seen people who say that being alive sucks. When you see the number of failures and disappointing situations they've had to deal with in their life so far, you will be tempted to nod in affirmation. Many people are already broken to a point that it feels like even the air they breathe and the land they step their feet on are completely in enmity with them.

To anyone that may be in that category or anyone facing worse situations, I want you to know that the life you are living should be adored by you. Be happy that you are alive. Your life is not a mistake. The fact that someone can breathe should never be taken for granted by us, especially by the person in question.

It's all about you and the way you rate yourself. There may be feelings of dejection in you. It may be big enough to make you think you are hopeless. If it helps at all, I want you to know that I'm not alien to that feeling. Many people reading this have also felt that but here we are, living and taking life one step at a time.

Why? Why do you think we all are putting up with the situations we find ourselves in?

This is where you have to answer for yourself

In my case, whenever I'm having one of those awkward moments of disappointing results and unfair treatment, it usually leads to doubt and disbelief and it can surely blow up into something bigger, but I know for a fact that such a momentous experience is like a storm that comes before the calm. It's a defining moment and a big test from the universe.

Just because of the way I'm made and the lofty impressions I have of myself, I've never been depressed because of failure, rejection, unfair treatment and co. But I can assure you that if anyone allows themselves to feel pathetic for too long, it will surely lead to depression and a feeling of worthlessness and every other negative stuff you can think of until suicidal thoughts come into play.

  • If there is life, there is Hope.

  • If you lose your life, that's The End.

That's exactly why everyone needs to look at the bright side when they are facing rejection or when things are just not working out. No matter how pathetic you feel about your life at the moment, you must never allow yourself to give up on trying.

Try, fail, try again and again.

The moment you allow yourself to feel pathetic or miserable, you will become in danger of losing your life to the tight grip of depression. I genuinely can't say that enough so have it in mind as you embark on this journey of life.

Who knows? You may just be a step away from reaching a point where all your disappointment and loss will turn around for your good.

This message is for you and me. Let's soak it all in and build brick by brick with every breath we take in this land of the living.

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