Being Guided By The Goal Of Self Fulfilment Rather Than Fear From The Lessons Of The Past

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Sometimes in desperation we make choices based on our fears, we make choices looking at the lessons we've learnt from previous experience in our lives. This is because we cannot predict the outcome of the future and we cannot allow this uncertainty become our undoing. The truth is, fulfilment comes with making the right decision but if after making a decision and you cannot still find fulfilment then it means you didn't make that decision based on your self preservation. You see, fear rules people, fear is why people thread carefully because they've been taught different life lessons which has guided their excesses.

So it's desperation that gives birth to fears and it's also fears that guide our actions and when fear guides the actions it's stops one from enjoying the many experiences that he or she might have limited themselves from. One thing I've learnt is that life's the only rigid thing that's very short and not exploring it to the fullest capacity will be the only regret we'd have at death's time. However moderation is important and moderation shows decency, it gives us patience and directs our path but then moderation is also birthed by fear; fear of uncertainty.

There's no decision we make that isn't determined by a mistake we've made in the past. This is because we learn by default and this lessons inadvertently becomes imbued into us. A decision is determined by so many reasons but one of the powerful determining factor is the fear of making a mistake. Truth is, sometimes we don't find the confidence to get past our former regrets this is because sentiment rules us. But we forget the utilmate reasons why we should make personal decisions is to find fulfilment because whenever we don't we're just feeding our remorse, looking for things that'll make up for the times we've been gullible and foolish.

It's of course not bad to foolish, what's only bad is remaining foolish for a long time. It's true we must learn and grow and be better than ourselves as of a result of the lessons learnt from each passing day, but then everyday that goes by is the past and each new day might depend on the past but then we ourselves are free and therefore should look forward to making mistakes and building past these mistakes. When you fear making mistakes you'll be guides by sentiments and this will hamper you from seeing things the way they truly are.

You must understand your entity as a person, you're not a spirit not a super human, you're only a human, smart and intelligent but then fragile and gullible. Life's bigger than we can comprehend and no one can understand everything. Sometimes we get it wrong but this doesn't mean we'd continue keeping it wrong. I know it's hurtful to suffer from the ineptitude of our actions but then pain is life and life is pain and pain comes in many forms and dimension don't be afraid of feeling pain because it's a human phenomenon one can't outrun. In a nutshell let your goal of self fulfilment be s priority when making a personal decision rather than letting it be guided by the lessons of your past experiences.

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My name is @Josediccus, a young Nigerian student who is a Vlogger, A Psychologist, Poet And Sports Writer/Analyst. I'm using my contents as a process to create shared meaning as well as create expressions through which people on/off hive can relate. I believe content is a process to be enjoyed and relished and I'm up for any collaborations in my field stated above. Cheers

@Josediccus, your brother-in-pen & heart

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