Challenge - Stay home, share 3 travel photos (Day 4)

Greetings. This is my fourth post for this excellent initiative where we share three pictures from our trips. It's a good way to relieve the tensions created by the prolonged quarantine.

Below I share with you my three pictures.

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Challenge Day 4

First trip

The Cocuizas Park


This first picture is of a wooded area near the city of Maracay. It is located at the beginning of the mountain that surrounds the city and it is very visited by the families to spend some moments of recreation. In the site you can find a warm water river with small waterfalls, the tropical vegetation is abundant and you can enjoy bird watching.

Second trip

Negra Hipolita Park

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The second picture corresponds to an urban park located in the city of Valencia, about 170 km from Caracas, in the north of Venezuela. It is a recreational area where visitors can find extensive walkways. In its facilities there are sanitary services, cafeterias and in some sectors of the park are installed machines to exercise the muscles.

Third trip

Macanao Margarita Island

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The third picture is of a sector of Margarita Island, North of Venezuela, the peninsula of Macanao, is to the Southwest of the Island, is little visited by tourists because unlike other parts of the island here predominates the desert climate. In the area it is possible to enjoy extensive virgin beaches, where you can go on horseback rides. Its beaches are open and some of them have strong waves.

Take care, stay at home and share your pictures in this challenge. My friends @crisangel and @manuelramos are already participating. Stop by their blogs to see nice pictures and read great stories.

I invite all the friends of HIVE to participate in this excellent initiative.

The challenge was started by @psos Join us

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All your comments are welcome on this site. I will read them with pleasure and dedication.

Until the next delivery. Thank you.

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The photos, the digital edition and the Gifs are of my authorship.

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