Things you should know when visiting Vietnamese family


Today’s topic is all about Vietnamese Culture. I made this post for those who want to know more about Viet Nam or who’re planning for a trip to Vietnam after this pandemic’s gone. If you’ve ever watch the Youtube channel called “Best Ever Food Review Show” you will realize that Vietnam is not only famous for the delicious food, but it is also known for its beautiful landscapes with beaches and jungles, plus everything Viet Nam is still cheap compared to other places, for those reasons I believe the tourism industry in Vietnam will grow dramatically in the future.

As each country has a distinctive culture, especially Asian countries, in this post, I'll give you some tips on what you should and shouldn't do while in Vietnam or specifically when visiting Vietnamese families. I try to include information that’s based on my perspective, and might be a bit different from what you find online.
Well, but you know what, it’s not that stressful, Vietnamese people are quite easy going so if you do something wrong, not a big deal, they’ll teach you to do it right!

DON’T address elderly people by their names
When you speak to elderly people, avoid calling them just by their names. They will think that’s impolite. Instead you can put “aunty” or “uncle” in front of their names. In Vietnam, we only address younger or same age people by just names.

DON’T unrespect the altar in their house
Nearly every home or even business in Vietnam has an altar to honor ancestors, be respectful with that. You should not sit directly in front of the altar with either your back or legs facing it

DON’T wear shoes inside their house
This is not very strict but necessary to know. Vietnamese people like to invite a big group of relatives, friends to their house for having a meal, drinking and chatting. Most of the houses in Viet Nam are quite small and don’t have enough room for setting up the tables, so they like to sit on the floor and eat. For that reason, shoes are not allowed in most of their houses (but not all of them)

DON’T use chopstick disrespectful
When you are eating rice with chopsticks, do not stick your chopsticks straight into your rice bowl , don't pass food to another person chopstick to chopstick, it means bringing bad luck because this is also symbolic of a funeral ritual

DON’T point at someone's face
It is considered rude to point at someone's face, especially an older person, with your index finger. When you want to mention about someone, just reach to them or call them by their names

DON’T start eating before the older people at the table when you are seated together
Because of our tradition, we really respect the older people, so when you’re invited to a family to have a meal, let them eat first.

Thank you for spending your time on my post!
Photos in this post are made/designed by me on Canva

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