Morning Snow, Misc Tasks, Minecraft Exhibit, Spirit Halloween, Silly String, Trailer - Friday

Wasn't expecting to wake up to snow yesterday morning but there it was. It kept falling until a little after full light but only amounted to about a 1/4 inch. It took it until noon to melt off. The ground had not held it but anything not touching the ground did, like the grass, bushes, trees, etc.


Most of my morning was spent on little tasks around the farm, trying to make sure I have the main things done going into winter. I found that I stilll have some carrots in the greenhouse but they are not very big, so I am not sure what to do with them. I could cover them with needles or leaves and see what happens over the winter or I could just pull them and call it good. That would allow me to till the greenhouse soil now so I could easily try a small area for the winter... I'm not sure yet.

The other part of the morning was the transition that this time of year represents as a farmer. I have been going full steam on all my projects outside including the gardens and now all of a sudden it is done for 5 months. It is a tough transition to switch so abruptly from one complete focus to now having to refocus on the inside tasks and projects that I have neglected all summer. Plus I am finding my acclimatization to the cold is taking a little while and I am not happy with it, I should already be semi attuned to the cold being out in the changing seasons all day everyday.

Anyway, @stryeyz got off work early so we could take the boys to the MAC, the Northwest Museum of Arts and Culture for the Minecraft exhibit.


The cost of entry was only $5 less than a year family pass so we got the pass and can come back for other exhibits that come through in the next year. The place is in Brown's Addition and is multi-story due to the location on the bluff over the river.


We managed to drag them from the screens in the top floor activity room and made it to the actual main floor of the exhibit.


Now, we have a cursory awareness or knowledge of the game but it is pretty straight forward when you read through the plaques on the walls and have listened to two boys ramble on and on and on and on and on and on about it.

Ya punch da trees to get da wood.
You get da wood to build da cabin.



I was aware of this game years ago but it was just like a super shitty version of Simcity so I never even looked into it.


It is pretty amazing the lengths that people go through to make some of the displays. It is like any other miniature like trains and such and can get as detailed as they want. It IS Minecraft so the blocky look is fitting.


This is the Creeper and there was a motion sensor above that would light it up then the explosion showed on the fabric in front of it.


The boys were having a blast as they are entirely enveloped in the game currently.


This was a rather interesting look at as Yogurt said, "MOICHENDZING". Minecraft the pillow, Minecraft the figurine, Minecraft the... you get the picture. My instant feeling when I saw this display was a slight bit of disgust at just how much everything is monetized in this world. Mel Brooks was right in Spaceballs.


We bought our farm a month after Minecraft was created.


In the final room was the various games on various platforms. Console, PC, tablet, and big screen. The boys were enraptured by them and it was like pulling and angry lion's tooth to get them to leave.


The boys made one more loop around the exhibit before we were able to extract them.


The boys needed their Halloween costumes so off to Spirit Halloween we went in Wandermere. I will say the costumes are far nicer than when I was a kid. I can still remember the smell of the thin, flimsy plastic masks that we would get. The world has gotten better at plastics I guess. Both boys got their Pikachu universe costumes, J is Charizard and R is Charmander.


I wanted silly string so of course the boys had to get some too. I want to use it as a marking tool, like spray paint in a way. The stuff is sticky and I know it will stick to trees and bushes to mark them for removal. The boys had to go play with their cans a bit and we now have a clothesline dangling long strings of silly string. It is 18F now so they are likely frozen strings.


I got the text while we were out that I had grain at the Steam Plant and when we drove down to the museum I saw that I had 3 barrels at the other brewery. So before dark I got the trailer hooked up and ready for this morning.


That was a really bright moon last night and this morning. It was foggy in town so it didn't help me much there but it sure was bright while we soaked before bed.


I have been to town for grain and will empty the barrels out later, I'm taking it up to the melon garden so will wait till mid morning. I have to go to North 40 to get winter work gloves, stop by the store, and get gas. I'm not sure how the celery will weather these temps so I will check on it and maybe have to harvest it all. We are looking at the same low temps the next few nights so I'm not holding out much hope of it hanging in that long.

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