The funny way people classify certain people as those who think they have made it in life

I don't really know why people are this way whenever there seem to be any exercise or new initiative been started. On both the side of people who we like to call the end users and the other people who seem to be those who facilitate the exercise or initiative that is to happen. Always the hullabaloos that surrounds them are sometimes so laughable.


The end users always think they are not being treated well as much as the exercise is concern, they begin to go around talking a whole lot of loop holes around and never for once applaud the facilitators who are seeing to it that each person who qualifies to get his or her share of the national cake.

For all these years, in as much as these stuffs go on, I have never for once given much attention to them until quite recently when I saw people posting stuffs on them on the various social media platforms. First I would have read it raw and pass by it without giving any attention to it but later I saw that all the fun where at the comments section.


People have diverse way of treating situations when it comes and in as much as most of these things are funny, they do tell a lot about how people love to mess around. Without taking much of your time, I would just touch on a scene or two to really tell you some of these fun stuffs I am talking about with exercises with just these time of pandemic around my side of the world.

It all started when almost everyone saw the need that alcohol based hand sanitizers were now a precious commodity. People hijacked the prices, and when it became hard to get from the market, all I saw around was ''People who think they have made it in life are people that sells hand sanitizers'' all because they were seen as rude when they needed one and no one had an option because you will need them no matter what you do.

What makes it worst was when these face shields come in existence over here with the price of on almost 9$, so people who have the money to buy them are seen as they do not obey any soul anymore and acts like they owe this world. So they are also being classified as people who think they have made it in life.

All images are property of pixabay

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