Like Noah's Ark

We got the news today that some people have been "Taken away for testing" due to the coronavirus. While our area has cases, I don't know anyone who's been sickened by it. We have a lot of people who (for some reason) moved here over the years from New York City. The reports are that they think it came here from there. We started to see an increase in cars with NY plates in the area, once the outbreak began to take hold there.

We only go out for supplies and limit our contact with others. They've got to solve this as I don't know how much longer things can go on this way, with reports now out of meatpacking plants shutting down. I've done my part in trying to warn people, but sometimes feel like Noah being laughed at before the rains came. Twitter is now censoring information on any treatment not sanctioned by the CDC.

Always late

This organization has been late with almost everything. It took them over a month to come around to recognizing the need for 6 feet of social distancing. I was watching things in China early on and when it started getting bad in Italy. The suggestions now are that 6 feet isn't enough, with some calling for 15-30 ft of separation.

It's gotten to the point with the CDC being so far behind, and slow to act, that I keep an eye on them, but have learned to get information on my own. If you listened to the Surgeon General when he told you not to buy masks when they were in stock, you're now left to fend for yourselves trying to find some. Now they say they were trying to save them for the hospitals, but we had over a months advance notice, while watching what was happening in China.

If there's one thing that this crisis has taught me is that, we're on our own. Big daddy isn't coming to save us, we need to look out for each other. We have a Chinese woman in our neighborhood who is the subject of nasty comments. A number of us have reached out to her and made her feel welcome. She's an amazing lady and It's so good to see her smile again. I hope we can all give each other the support that we need and come out of this stronger than before. Peace..

Thank You so Much!

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