Her - Ella

English / Inglés

She was introduced to me many times, but I didn't dare to speak to her, today I realize that she is willing to do anything to appear.

I would not like to play chess with her, she would surely beat me, it would be interesting to challenge her to a dance competition, she must be an expert in all rhythms, I imagine her dancing a tango or a polka.

I would dare to challenge her singing, she is a soprano with a torrent of voice, in tune, seductive and gentle, her singing would be overwhelming and would overshadow mine.

Somehow we have to settle our differences, it could even be with a game of poker or rummy, her skill with her hands, her wisdom, with the mischief that characterizes her, make her a dangerous contender.

They tell me that she, arrogant and presumptuous as she is, has not a single weak point, her unscrupulous refinement is amazing, but I would risk it with the ephemeral and more valuable thing I have to face her in a duel in which each one builds the verse of a poem, I think her weak side is that she does not know how to philosophize. Any reference to lofty prose or ingenious rhyme bothers and disturbs her.

Already tired of thinking about her and the way we can dispute our discord, I woke up with the desire to know the outcome of my reckless challenge.

Still disturbed I went to my desk and found on top of so many papers a black sheet with two stanzas finely written in ivory white.

Your challenge is from fear
You know me omnipresent
Relentless am I, your fatal pain
Your subconscious betrays you

Without fear, I danced to you singing
In poetry I dreamed and felt you
Death! I wasn't playing
And to your face, I made fun of you


Español / Spanish

Me la presentaron muchas veces, pero no me atreví a hablarle, hoy me doy cuenta que su persona está dispuesta a todo por figurar.

No quisiera jugar ajedrez con ella, seguramente me ganaría, sería interesante retarla a una competencia de baile, debe ser una experta en todos los ritmos, me la imagino bailando un tango o una polka.

Me animaría a desafiarla cantando, ella es una soprano con un torrente de voz, afinada, seductora y gentil, su canto seria abrumador y opacaría el mío.

De alguna forma hay que dirimir nuestras diferencias, hasta podría ser con una partida de póker o rummy, su habilidad con las manos, su sapiencia, con la picardía que le caracteriza, la hacen una peligrosa contendora.

Me cuentan que ella, arrogante y presuntuosa como es, no tiene ni un punto débil, es asombroso su refinamiento sin escrúpulos, más yo me arriesgaría con lo efímero y más valioso que tengo a enfrentarla en un duelo en el que cada uno construya la estrofa de un poema, creo que su lado flaco es que no sabe filosofar. Le molesta y le perturba cualquier referencia a una elevada prosa o a una ingeniosa rima.

Ya cansado de pensar en ella y en la forma en que podemos disputar nuestra discordia, desperté con el afán de conocer el desenlace de mi temerario reto.

Aun perturbado fui a mi escritorio y encontré encima de tantos papeles una hoja negra con dos estrofas finamente escritas en blanco marfil.

Tu reto es desde el temor
Me conoces omnipresente
Implacable soy, tu fatal dolor
Te traiciona el subconsciente

Sin miedo, te bailé cantando
En la poesía soñé y te presentí
¡Muerte! No estaba jugando
Y en tu cara, me burlé de ti

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