How many kilometers have you smoked so far? - Koliko ste kilometara ispušili do sada?

Cigarette, a friend of every coffee.Cigareta, prijateljica svake kafe.
Have you ever wondered how many kilometers of cigarettes you have smoked so far? The idea for the post was given to me by a friend who has been an active smoker for 40 years. Here is his simple calculation...Da li ste se kada zapitali koliko kilometara cigareta ste ispušili do sada? Ideju za objavu mi je dao prijatelj koji je aktivni pušač već 40 godina. Evo njegove proste računice...
The average length of the cigarette he smokes is: 8,5 cm, of which the (non-smoking) filter is 2,5 cm long. So the part of the cigar he smokes is about 6 cm, maybe a little shorter but we will take 6 cm as an average.Prosječna dužina cigare koju on puši iznosi: 8,5 cm, od toga je filter (koji se ne puši) dug: 2,5 cm. Dakle, dio cigare koji on ispuši iznosi približno 6 cm, možda malo kraće ali uzećemo 6 cm kao prosjek.
Next, he says to smoke at least 20 cigarettes a day... That comes roughly: 6 cm x 20 pieces = 120 cm ---> 1,2 m.Dalje, on kaže da ispuši najmanje 20 komada cigareta na dan... To dođe otprilike: 6 cm x 20 komada = 120 cm ---> 1,2 m.
If we multiply that by 30 days, we get a calculation of how much he actually smokes in about one month. 120 cm x 30 = 3 600 cm ---> 36 m.Ako to pomnožimo sa 30 dana dobijemo računicu koliko zapravo ispuši otprilike za jedan mjesec. 120 cm x 30 = 3 600 cm ---> 36 m.
In a year it would be: 3 600 cm x 12 months = 43 200 cm ---> 432 m.Za godinu dana to bi bilo: 3 600 cm x 12 mjeseci = 43 200 cm --->432 m.
In his case (active smoker 40 years), it is: 43 200 cm x 40 years = 1 728 000 cm ---> 17 280 m ---> 17,28 km.U njegovom slučaju (aktivni pušač 40 godina), to iznosi: 43 200 cm x 40 godina = 1 728 000 cm ---> 17 280 m ---> 17,28 km.
In short, that's it. What are your numbers?Ukratko, to je to. Kakve su vaše brojke?


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