
Everyone is talking about that one slap. The slap that was said to be heard around the world.

I was at work a few days ago and I was hearing about a certain wonderful slap. When I asked what happened, I was told that Will Smith slapped someone at the Oscars Academy awards. I am not a fan of Will Smith but I have always enjoyed a lot of his movies. Gemini Man has a special place in my mind. That was the height of my respect for Will.

Anyways, when I heard it I said it must be a part of a movie or something, Will isn't like that. (I don't even knew the guy). Then I went to Facebook and I got the full gist. A Comedian named Chris Rock took a solid slap from the Movie celebrity for making a joke about his wife starring in a movie or something.

Then I stumbled across the video clip and I was surprised that Will even found the joke funny. But somehow, because his wife didn't he decided to go up stage and deliver a pretty slap to the Comedian was extremely mature about the whole incident I must say.


First, Chris was speechless in shock and then he made a joke out of the slap he just received...

This has to be the greatest moment in television history.

Everyone roared with laughter.

OK. If I am to give my opinion about the whole matter I would say just 7 words.

I think Will needs to grow up..

But I am not writing to give my opinion, I am writing because I think giving another human being a slap is both inhumane and dangerous.

Someone who was watching the whole event was of the opinion that Will could have killed Chris with that slap. Here was his reasoning...

What if Chris was allergic to bees and Will had a bee in his hand when he slapped him?

It actually holds little logical grounds thinking about it. How could Will be holding a bee?

But, can a slap actually be deadly?

My answer to that question is YES.

Here's a fun fact about slaps.

Simulations have shown that if you deliver a slap at 3,725 miles per hour, the energy you generate would be sufficient to cook a whole chicken in one blow.

But then even a boxer in top form can only swing at about 32 miles per hour.

In medical terms, a slap is considered as a blunt force trauma to the head, same as a punch, and there is significant medical record of people dying after being slapped.

In 2017, a man who had been at the receiving end of an open handed slap to the face ruptured some arteries that led to a mortal brain bleed. This was reported by a group of medical examiners in Georgia.


In 2014, a man was jailed for 60days after he gave his daughter 2 hot slaps that led to her death for not washing the floor the way he wanted it.

There is another instance that some people would call Karma. In 2020, a passenger leaned out of a minivan window to slap a bicyclist leading to his death. Unfortunately, the passenger fell out of the window and died of his injuries.

Still in 2020, a former army officer died after playing a "Slapping game" with his son. It was said that the impact of the slap threw him to the ground and he sustained traumatic brain injury in the process.

There are still lots of unreported cases of brain injurie or facial bone fractures from slap. One case that I am aware of is when a man lost his hearing after he was slapped by a soldier. Doctors said his ear drum just popped under the intense pressure from the slap.

I am a strong believer in dialog as a means to resolve conflict. If one party refuses to listen then the best thing to do is to leave... walk away. That's what I believe Will should have done. He should have ignored the joke and decide not to laugh to it if he found it insulting to his wife. But getting up and going on stage while millions of people were watching to slap Chris, I think that must be the most childlike display of stupidity I have seen on television.

I like Will. He is a good actor. But that one act has made him lose the respect I have for him, and I am sure that I ain't alone.

I digress again.

My point is, walk away if you are too emotionally charged to talk things through. Not even children should be slapped. I consider it extremely barbaric to slap a child for whatever reason. Find another way to punish the child, but not a slap.

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