Exploring and documenting My hometown while at Idul Adha vocation


Today I enjoy my time in the rice fields, being in my hometown, of course, I look for a different atmosphere than usual. This is the atmosphere in my mother's hometown, precisely in the village of Uteun Gathoem, South Peusangan sub-district, Bireuen Regency. About 60 kilometers from the city I live in Lhokseumawe City.


Eid al-Adha is a momentum to enjoy the atmosphere in the village, in addition to returning home as a form of Eid with family, enjoying the panorama in the village is a must be to do, especially I am a person who really likes photography. By documenting a number of pictures while in the village, at least treat homesickness when later back to the city.


What appeared was Mong-mong Hill, back when I was a child my grandfather used to talk about Mong-mong Hill. At the foot of Mong-mong Hill, my grandfather's village is located, the weather here is very cold, possibly because it is located at the foot of the hill. I captured some pictures of Mong-mong Hill as a memento.


At the rice field, a number of farmers were busy taking care of their rice, as soon as the harvest season was approaching. It began to appear a number of rice-eating birds, pests that have continued to disturb the farmers' plants began to appear. Even a number of farmers there put a number of nets on their rice plants so that rice-eating birds do not damage their rice plants that are almost entering the harvest period.


This is a hut where farmers take a break from completing their activities in the rice fields. I often use it to lie down, the atmosphere is cold, the wind is quite cool so it is fun to make you feel at home in the fields for quite a long time.


While in this picture we see rice-eating birds, one of the pests that is very disturbing farmers are looking for a way to enter the nets that have been installed by farmers so that he cannot enter to eat rice farmers.


Spraying services are one of the job opportunities for a number of youth in villages who are less fortunate in education, they on average have an educational background that is far from better. Primary schools and junior high schools are the ones most often found working as people who provide spraying services on rice plants. Some of these young people sometimes get a daily wage, and there are also those who get a wholesale job.


Well, that hivers friend is a bit of my experience while at hometown, and it's nice to be able to share together through this platform. Stay active and stay safe to all!

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