Quitting Coffee And Taking Gabapentin Had Improved On What I Feel To My Body

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I've been so sleepy lately, it is because I had quit on taking coffee, regular coffee that is and in turn I am just taking decaffeinated. Plus the fact that I am on Gabapentin medication just enhances my sleep profoundly.

So those two factors makes me get a better sleep unlike in my previous years. So I am happy that I was able to get rid of my coffee addiction where it was really hard before because it makes me get terrible headaches when I didn't drink.

So if I would drink a regular coffee after getting withdrawal symptoms it was really soothing and the headaches would go away but with a compromise with my sleep quality. Quitting coffee also has a good effect to my bones because caffeine as it seems weakens the bones so I just had wished that I didn't drinked but due to the fact that it was just readily available in my home everyday it had been a part of my life for so many years.


Image by Mylene2401 from Pixabay

I Suffered So Many Bad Years Not Being Able To Get A Good Sleep, Yes Years

Now I do not get that racing heart or fast beat of my heart after waking up in the middle of the night when I am trying to sleep which when I wake up my heart is just racing and I get so breathless. The reason for it is that I also am full of water in my body during the past months until I was able to be the one telling my nurses how much water to take when I go for my dialysis.

Now with the changes in my life, my quitting of coffee, my relatively lower dry weight or going home drawn out satisfactorily with fluids it just enhanced my life plus Gabapentin also plays a major role in softening the blow of misery to my body.

So I am thankful that there is something that I could use to easy my discomfort, ease my pain, relaxes me and enhancing my sleep profoundly although there might be side-effects to that but the benefits are outweighing the risks because of the good things that had done to my life by Gabapentin in particular.

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