[ESP/ENG]Problema de valvulas de una moto hayate marca suzuki_Valve problem on a Suzuki Hayate motorcycle

Saludos a todos los miembros de la comunidad de #gems espero se encuentre bien, hace unos dias trabajando me llego una moto hayate marca suzuki ue se habia apagado y no prendia.

Greetings to all members of the #gems community, I hope you are well, a few days ago while working I received a Suzuki Hayate motorcycle that had turned off and would not start.


Comence a revsarla para saber como no queria prender y en lo que hice a darle a la pata de encendido estaba muy suave al instantes sube que la moto no tenia comprensión.

I started to check it to find out how it didn't want to start and when I turned on the ignition switch it was very soft and instantly started up that the bike had no understanding.


Para saber que le habia pasado al motor comence a desarmar la cabeza de fuerza y al bajarla revise piston y valvula y lo que tenia era que una de las valvulad se habia picado y escapaba compresión y esto hacia que la moto no tuviera suficiente comprensión para prender.

To find out what had happened to the engine I began to disassemble the power head and when I lowered it I checked the piston and valve and what I had was that one of the valves had been pitted and compression was leaking and this meant that the motorcycle did not have enough compression to start. .


Toca cambiar valvulas y hay ya quedaria, volver armar todo nuevamente y listo.

It's time to change valves and that's it, put everything back together again and that's it.


Este ah sido mi publicación de hoy espero les guste me despido de todos deceandoles un hermoso dia.

This has been my publication today, I hope you like it, I say goodbye to everyone, wishing you a beautiful day.

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