Image by AnnaliseArt at

Hello guys, welcome to another episode of #questionandanswer where you get to know your favorite bloggers/vloggers better, in a more interesting way. I have with me here the guest for today's episode @freedomtowrite ...yay!!!

Image used by permission from @freedomtowrite

I am sure some of us are already acquainted with @freedomtowrite, well for those of us who are not then this is going to be a wonderful read for you as you get to know and learn interesting things about her....well am not excluded, learning new things about people are always so fascinating for me.

Short Break

Are you a music lover or do you want to do something different, well.."The Terminal" discord server is inviting everyone to their our next live concert, where you get to enjoy wonderful performance by @joseacabrerav.

Image credit @mondoshawan

The Terminal is bringing the concert live to your homes...who says you have to go out till you have some fun...just keep the date and come join in the fun with mind blowing and heartwarming music. If you are thinking.."Oh am not in the server so I can't attend"...Yes you can! All you need do is, join the concert with the invitation link below and give yourself a treat of nice music.

Welcome Back!

I am pretty sure most of you already know the Inner blocks community and if you don't "it is a community that is built around people and their experiences." And @freedomtowrite happened to be one of the major brains behind the community...she also has a pretty smile too.

Image provided by my guest @freedomtowrite

Let's get to know more about @freedomtowrite

What makes a good life?

Wow! A hard one right off the bat. It's so subjective based on someone's expectations for their own life. And then it begs the question, is life not good just being life? Maybe it would be easier to answer what makes my life feel good. Living with an abundance of love coming and going and living fearlessly makes everything feel good. So, yeah, living like that makes my life feel good.

How do people describe you and how would you describe yourself?

I definitely hear “sweet” the most when people describe me, haha. I'm glad that's the first thing that comes to mind. If I needed to describe myself, I would say that I'm a giver. Which is good and's a personality trait that requires a lot of balance.

If you were to be a master in any skill, which would it be?

Either baking or chicken husbandry. I love both of those very much, and have dedicated hours and hours to learning as much as I can. However, baking tends to add to our waistlines, haha. Chickens are amazing and I love hatching them out and raising maybe chickens would be best.

What would be your perfect way to spend a weekend?

Two days of restful peace without any responsibilities or chores haha. We observe the Sabbath on Saturday's so that it's already a day of rest, but Sunday is usually full of things. If I could spend both of those days hanging outside with a fire, 70 degree weather, and my family, that would be amazing!

What is the best part of your personality?

Image provided by my guest @freedomtowrite

The part of my personality I enjoy the most is being spontaneous. It feels like my mastery over fear.

From experience, what lesson would you want others to learn?

I would want everyone to learn that we aren't guaranteed time. Every moment is a gift, so as people build their lives, make decisions that help you live the most fulfilled life you can, and do whatever you can to help others on their journeys. The most dangerous thing we can do is fall asleep in our lives and check out of reality. Before we know it, it will all be over.

What are the little things that makes you smile?

Soooo many things! A good hot beverage is at the top, just below hugs and kisses with my hubs and kids. Just a little while ago, I was coming down the stairs and took a minute to smile at the handrail. I hadn't appreciated it before, but it fits my hand perfectly. I love when the kitchen is clean after a big meal, and I love painting my nails. My all time favorite is when the sun is shining while it's raining. The majesty of it blows my mind! So maybe that's not that small haha.

Where is the most interesting place you have visited?

Image provided by my guest @freedomtowrite

Hands down, the Great Red Woods in northern California! We stepped into a magical place where all the mythical creatures have to be living. The air was the cleanest we've ever smelled. I would go back in a heartbeat!

What personality attracts you to a person?

The strong, unapologetic, take no crap but do no harm personalities attract me the most. My husband fits this to a tee, and I found that I'm drawn to these types of people as I've made friends in my adult life. I like that I always know what they're thinking, and I never have to question motives. If I ask a question, they will give me a straight answer no matter how hard it is.

Image provided by my guest @freedomtowrite

What is the most memorable thing a friend has done for you?

With a lifetime of friendships, it's hard pick just one, and I would hate to over shadow one gesture with another. There was this time though, a few years ago when we got a flat tire on the side of the highway. We called our neighbor and asked him to bring us a tire from home, and while we were waiting, two more friends saw us and stopped along with a police officer. All of their generosity was incredible.

A few hours later after we got back home, another friend who is a 70+ year old veteran, fiery as a pistol, pulled into our driveway, got out and demanded to know if we had been stuck on the side of the road. When we said yes, he firmly told us that the next time that this happens we needed to stay stuck. Of course he was joking. As it turns out, he had driven past right as we were about to leave, by the time he turned around and had come back to check on us, we were gone. He then spent the next several hours going to every auto shop he could think of looking for us to see if we needed help. He finally gave up and checked at our house. We were incredibly blown away.

What is the best advice you can give to someone?

Love hard. When people come into your life for a season, a year or a lifetime, don't hold back. Also, you probably have more belongings than you need, get rid of the things that don't serve you and watch the stress slip away.

"Every moment is a gift"
"Love hard and don't hold back"

These words may look simple but they say a lot....

This is an interesting and heartwarming read thanks to @freedomtowrite, I hope you all enjoyed the read because I totally did. A big thank you @freedomtowrite for being on today's episode of #questionandanswer, it was great having to interview you, thank you for taking out time to make this possible it is so appreciated.

Image from: Bitmoji

So guys, this is where I draw the curtain for today's episode of #questionandanswer, send in your nominations of someone you want to see as a guest here or drop questions you would love to see answers to....I remain your humble host....Bliss11.


Thanks to @derangedvisions for the amazing banner

Have a lovely day guys and stay safe.

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