Image by AnnaliseArt at

Hello guys, welcome to another episode of #questionandanswer where you get to know your favorite bloggers/vloggers better, in a more interesting way. I have with me here the guest for today's episode @mariannewest ...yay!!!

Image used by permission from @mariannewest

So am sure some of us are already acquainted with @mariannewest, well for those of us who are not then this is going to be a wonderful read for you as you get to know and learn interesting things about her....well am not excluded, learning new things about people are always so fascinating for me.

To the queen of freewrite it is a pleasure having you on the episode...

Image used by permission from @mariannewest

Let's get to know more about @mariannewest

What defines you?

That is a huge question and deserves several days of contemplation. But if I try to do that, you never will get my answer. Life is busy - and that is maybe one of the things that define me.

I have tons of interests and hobbies and tend to take on way too much. I tend to say yes when someone asks me a favor and I don’t always have the resources and time to actually fulfill the request in a timely manner.

I am also very duty-bound and will do things because I feel that I have an obligation to do so. For example, I feel responsible for how we as humans, are messing up our earth and feel that it is my duty to do everything in my power to at least not make it worse. That means that I do many things that might be more time consuming or uncomfortable. Again - something I could write about for days.

What is the smallest gesture that has made much impact on you?

Hmm...that is hard to say. Sometimes, we don’t even know how something small impacts us one way or another. To give an answer, I am choosing the interest one of my teachers took in my writing. It was her job, but I think she went an extra step to support me.

What event would you consider a miracle in your life?

The way I found out that I had cancer. It is a long story, but let’s just say that I didn’t have any of the typical symptoms and if the particular chain of events wouldn’t have happened, I would be dead by now.

Image used by permission from @mariannewest

Tell us 2 things that make you happy?

My kids and theirs - family in general, and my garden. There are many more, but you asked for only two.

What is the best part of your personality?

That I stay hopeful and optimistic for the most part. And I don’t sweat the small stuff.

If you were to be a master in any skills, which would choose to be?

Well, that question takes us back to number one. I have many, many interests and don’t like to be restricted to one thing - even though I admire people that have the ONE driving force. If I have to be a master in only one thing, I want to master to keep a calm mind no matter and see the positive in everything.

What is your most valued item?

I don’t have one. Items are just items. There are many I like, many that are useful - like my computer for example. But I have walked away from everything more than once. Items can be replaced.

What is the most memorable gift you have received?

I have received the gift of wonderful children and families they have created, and that of great friendships.

What is the most memorable thing a friend has done for you?

When I was sick, I had a couple of friends who visited and supported me during that time. Most people tend to fall away when a person gets sick for a long time.

Where is your favorite getaway place?

My garden, the beach when it is not crowded to walk along the ocean, the mountains to hike.

This is another interesting read thanks to @mariannewest, I hope you all enjoyed the read because I totally did. A big thank you @mariannewest for being on today's episode of #questionandanswer, it was great having to interview you, thank you for taking out time to make this possible it is so appreciated.

Image from: Bitmoji

So guys, this is where I draw the curtain for today's episode of #questionandanswer, send in your nominations of someone you want to see as a guest here or drop questions you would love to see answers to....I remain your humble host....Bliss11.


Thanks to @derangedvisions for the amazing banner

Have a lovely day guys and stay safe.

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