Reaching Out Arts and Crafts in Hoi An Vietnam, disabled artists making gifts for royalty.

Wandering around the town of Hoi An, thee is a sense of arts crafts artisans and creation. This town is splashed with colour and beauty. Arts wares clothes and all sorts of hand made crafts are produced in this area.

As I walked the bustling colourful streets this scene captured my eyes. I wandered what was going on here...and within moments I found out.
I was seated inside a café and shown the artists who are making such lovely wares they are fit for royalty and those who can see the beauty of what is in front of me.

Notice teh details in each piece created.

Each item has been hand made rolled hammered welded soldered designed shaped honed and shined all by the tam of people who are putting forth effort to survive.

There will be more images of this set that I am using. I cannot get over the shape feel luster and design of these items. I would like to have something like this to rink out of. I ponder how I can buy this and carry it with me. The long road ahead might not pose this idea very well.

Here is the website you can go look at more of the work produced by the people of this organization: Reaching Out Vietnam

Yes I know this is the same picture over and over but the light reflects differently over this set now then it does before.

These paces are such a joy to touch in the hands they are soft and firm and hold like they are holding back.

Perhaps I should have taken more photos of each piece individually but at the moment it was not thinking of showing more then just this piece made at this place. I know it is frustrating when people to take pictures of your artwork and then they go off and remake it as their own. I want to respect that there are original art work and artist making a living with their minds so copying their work in picture form and showing the intricate details that make these pieces worth coming to use see and buy was not the way I wanted to go.

After a day wandering where the feeling and vive took me I came across this café that had me drawn in long before I passed it. there was a joy feeling of help and effort that a community who get together and help together can over come much adversity by way of holding to a goal and team work that enables the dream to work for each person plays an important role in the over all success of society.

These pictures were taken wandering the roads of the town of Hoi An, Vietnam. This town and area are known for their artisans which can be see all along the streets in this town. There is no lack of places to explore and see are this space. It is known predominantly for the tails and leather work that happen in the are. There are a few more post about this to come so stick around to see more of this town. ... Have you been here, have you explored the area outside your back door?

  • Thanks for having a look at the items that I was so enamored with coming from a multitude of peoples efforts to make a practical piece of beauty with a greater goal then profits. The journey will continue as the road is long and goes on for ever.

Check out Pinmapple for my map of places that I have been and will go back to in time.

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