Working Hybrid | Life Lately


Hello, amazing Hive friends! How are you all doing? Just giving some recent life updates here regarding my work setup. I was excited to go to the office for my once-a-month "Work in Office" schedule. It's just nice to dress up a little, as I have been so used to working from home and not minding how I look or dress.


Besides being excited about the dressing up part, I was more than excited to talk to other people in person. I barely go out, and I badly needed other human interaction for my sanity. LOL.


It was also my first time meeting Marilyn, one of my agents who coincidentally also lives in Guiuan. Although I don't actually know her back home, I was just ecstatic to see a fellow Guiuanon in my workplace and most especially in my team. We had lunch at a Korean resto, and it was also my first time trying their meal, and my, it was so yummy! Loved how my work in the office day went.


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