Un día de nubes y frío 🌬 CT


Un día como cualquier otro, solo que ya el sol no calienta tanto como hace días atrás,regreso la neblina y la brisa fría típica de mayo en nuestra querida
Colonia Tovar, regresaron los abrigos y las noches heladas. La lluvia nos recuerda que viene la época de cosechar el maíz y la caraota para complementar la dieta, costumbre que aún sigue vigente en las familias que 180 años despues de la fundaciión guardan con recelo las costumbres y tradiciones de este hermoso pueblo, donde las labores agrícolas siguen siendo una de nuestras principales fuentes de ingreso.

A day full of clouds and cold

A day like any other, except that the sun is not as hot as it was days ago, the mist and the typical cold breeze of May return to our beloved Colonia Tovar, coats and icy nights are back. The rain reminds us that the time to harvest corn and beans to complement the diet is coming, a custom that is still in force in the families that, 180 years after the foundation, guard with suspicion the customs and traditions of this beautiful town, where the Farm work continues to be one of our main sources of income. A day like any other, except that the sun is not as hot as it was days ago, the mist and the typical cold breeze of May return to our beloved Colonia Tovar, coats and icy nights are back. The rain reminds us that the time to harvest corn and beans to complement the diet is coming, a custom that is still in force in the families that, 180 years after the foundation, guard with suspicion the customs and traditions of this beautiful town, where the Farm work continues to be one of our main sources of income.

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